SAFE Publications
The SAFE Association produces the following publications:
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Proceeding Listings 1995-2017
$10.00 USD for each paper |
Pay Online here or Request by Email Below |
Title | E-mail request | Year | Page | Authors |
Proceedings 1995 - 2014 | ||||
CRUSADER - An Integrated Helmet System for High Performance Aircraft | E-mail request | 1995 | W. L. Epperson | |
CRUSADER - Integrated Helmet: System and Integration Aspects | E-mail request | 1995 | I.A. Buchanan | |
Optical Technology Utilised in Design of 'Crusader' HMD System | E-mail request | 1995 | Tom Clark and Dale Hollis | |
An Integrated Approach to Safe Helmet Mounted Jisplay/Vehicle Interface | E-mail request | 1995 | Tom Clark and Dale Hollis | |
Advanced Helmet Tracking Technology Developments for Naval Aviation | E-mail request | 1995 | James H. Brindle | |
The Will to Live | E-mail request | 1995 | William W. Spruance | |
Lightweight Survival Kit Air Droppable (L.W. SKAD) Systems on the F-16 Aircraft | E-mail request | 1995 | P. D. Johnson | |
Fourth Generation Escape System Technologies Demonstration Program Status | E-mail request | 1995 | James J. Schoen and A. Blai r McDonald. | |
The Future of Aircrew State Monitoring - Applications to Advanced Aircraft Design | E-mail request | 1995 | M. I. Darrah | |
Advancements in Modeling Aircrew Fatigue During High-G Performance Flight | E-mail request | 1995 | S. J. Mahoney | |
Simulated Performance Evaluation of NACES Stabilization Concepts | E-mail request | 1995 | Thomas J. Marquette | |
Priority One: Survival! Navy State-of-the-Art Survival Item Update | E-mail request | 1995 | RaNae Contarino | |
History and Operational Performance of the Crew Escape System for the B-1 B Aircraft | E-mail request | 1995 | Stephan Tipton and Thomas Stachowski | |
Lessons Learned from the Navy Aircrew Common Ejection Seat (NACES) Program | E-mail request | 1995 | Peter Yost | |
F-22 life Support System Development | E-mail request | 1995 | M. B. McGrady and M. W. Wright | |
An Overview of Helicopter Mishap Analyses and Crewmember Surveys for the ACASS Program | E-mail request | 1995 | Tom Zenobi | |
Self-Reported Aircraft Desirability | E-mail request | 1995 | Victoria M. Voge | |
Development of a Passenger Aircraft Air Bag System | E-mail request | 1995 | Thomas H. Barth and Greg Cote | |
Crash Sensors for Inflatable Restraint Systems | E-mail request | 1995 | Richard E. Zimmermann and Jon P. Rogers | |
The Development of U.S. Navy Cold Weather Flight Gloves: Handwear from the Ground Up | E-mail request | 1995 | Linda S. Pensotti | |
Aircrew Centered Design; A Development Approach for Effective Crewstation Integration | E-mail request | 1995 | Rodney S. Katz | |
Glass Fragment Capture and Analysis | E-mail request | 1995 | Rebecca B. Schultz and Edward S. Eveland . | |
Validation of the Articulated Total Body (A TS) Data Set Describing the Large Advanced Dynamic Anthropomorphic Manikin (ADAM) | E-mail request | 1995 | Captain Joel J. Hagan | |
Pelvis Mounted Data Acquisition System and Novel Transducers for a Fifth Percentile Female Manikin | E-mail request | 1995 | Dennis Silage | |
Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation of the F/A-18 Liquid Oxygen System | E-mail request | 1995 | Bryce Hartmann and Carol Axten | |
A Multi-Axis Pintle Attitude Control (MAXPAC) Device for ACES II Seat Stabilization | E-mail request | 1995 | Russ Carlson | |
Are Ejection Seat Performance Statistics Providing a True Picture of Aircrew Safety? | E-mail request | 1995 | Joseph W. Morris . | |
Reliability and Effectiveness of Smart Propulsion Systems for Ejection Seats | E-mail request | 1995 | Mark Nadolski and Russ Carlson | |
MAXPAC - Applying 4th Generation Technology to Upgrade the ACES II Seat | E-mail request | 1995 | Joseph W. Morris and WiIliam True | |
Increasing the Accommodation Characteristics Navy Aircrew Common Ejection Seat (NACES) | E-mail request | 1995 | Ken R. Yates | |
The Design | E-mail request | 1995 | Mark Butler | |
V-22 Osprey Passenger Water Survival Training | E-mail request | 1995 | W. F. Cunningham | |
Performance Assessment of the V-22 Aircraft Crashworthy Crew Seat with Variouss Size and Gender Aircrew Using the Articulated Total Body (ATS) Computer Simulation Model | E-mail request | 1995 | Martin B. Rapaport | |
New Approach to Spinal Preloading in Energy Absorbing Crew Seats | E-mail request | 1995 | Walter R. Peck | |
Joint Affordable Cockpit Integration Program (JACIP) | E-mail request | 1995 | William L. Capps | |
Demonstration of a Field of View Evaluation Apparatus (FOVEA) for Head-Borne Life Support Equipment | E-mail request | 1995 | David Cohen | |
The Application of Mission Scenarios in CentrifugeBased Flight Simulation Research | E-mail request | 1995 | Peggy L. Heffner | |
Augmented Shock Wave Severance of Canopies and Metal | E-mail request | 1995 | Laurence J. Bement and Marry L. SchimmeL. | |
Auto-Ox: An Automatic Backup Oxygen System Designed for Retrofit Into the ACES II | E-mail request | 1995 | M. I. Darrah | |
An Advanced Stabilization Technique for Retrofit Into the ACES II: A Feasibility Study Report | E-mail request | 1995 | D. E. McCauley | |
A Smart Molecular Sieve Oxygen Concentrator With Continuous Cycle Time Adjustment | E-mail request | 1995 | George W. Miller | |
Development of the Swedish Tactical Flight Combat Suit (TFCS) | E-mail request | 1995 | Bengt Landervik | |
Crewstation Technology Transition Evaluation Tools | E-mail request | 1995 | Richard Zielinski | |
Mechanical Analysis of the Movements Used During Ejection in the NACES and LS1 Ejection Seats | E-mail request | 1995 | Cynthia L. Tant | |
Small Aircrew Ejection Simulation in U.S. Navy Aircraft | E-mail request | 1995 | Jeffrey Nichols | |
The JAST Integrated Helmet/Audio Visual System (IHAVS) Project | E-mail request | 1995 | Robert Whitmoyer | |
Finnish Air Force (FAF) Aircrew Equipment | E-mail request | 1995 | Lt. Col. Pentti Kuronen | |
Finnish Air Force (FAF) Seat-Mounted Aircrew Restraint Harness | E-mail request | 1995 | Captain Ossi Aatsalo | |
Human Breathing Simulation in Life Support Testing | E-mail request | 1995 | Jayne E. Booth | |
New Integrated Suvival Vest and Body Armor Protection Developed for Navy Helicopter Aircrew | E-mail request | 1995 | John Meyers | |
The OBOG and Anti-G Systems for the RAFALE Fighter | E-mail request | 1995 | Jean-Michel Cazenave | |
Acceleration Threat to Truck Occupants Due to Land Mine Explosions | E-mail request | 1995 | Philemon C. Chan | |
A Method for Developing A Positive Pressure Breathing Mask | E-mail request | 1995 | Eric Farin and Valerie Leguay | |
U. S. Navy Advanced Crashworthy Alrcrew Survival Systems (ACASS) Program | E-mail request | 1995 | Michael R. Schulttz | |
Head Protection Against Windblast for Pilot Ejection | E-mail request | 1995 | Philemon C. Chan | |
Altitude Decompression Sickness Prediction: A Simplified Approach | E-mail request | 1995 | Andrew A. Pilmanis | |
4th Generation Escape Systems Technologies Demonstration Program Pintle Escape Propulsion System (PEPS) | E-mail request | 1995 | Kevin Peterson | |
Adaptation of Wright Laboratory's Aircraft Survivability Range 3 for Crew System Windblast Testing | E-mail request | 1995 | 1 Lt. Michael Meyer | |
Performance Assesssment of a Boom Stabilization Device for the ACES-II Ejection Seat | E-mail request | 1995 | Captain John H. Wengraf | |
PANEL SESSIONS | E-mail request | 1995 | ||
Special Operations Forces: The Needs and Requirements of the Future - A Challenge for the SAFE Community | E-mail request | 1995 | Moderators: Ed Winker and Joe Zeller5 | |
Operational Life Support Current USAF Efforts | E-mail request | 1995 | Moderator Martin J. Clement | |
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34th. Proceedings 1996 | E-mail request | 1996 | ||
The Will To Live | E-mail request | 1996 | William W. Spruance | |
Using Semiconductor Bridge Technology In a Life Support Application | E-mail request | 1996 | Donald Nowakowski | |
Feature Envelopes for the HGU55P Helmet | E-mail request | 1996 | Jennifer J. Whitestone & Deepa Naishadham | |
Refresher Naval Aviation Physiology Training Program (NAPTP) In Aircraft Simulators | E-mail request | 1996 | CDR Ryan B. Eichner & CDR Richard P. Mason | |
Environmental Testing of Fiber Optic Lines In Aircraft Estape System Applications II | E-mail request | 1996 | Peter Stoddard | |
Phase 1 Results of NACES Parachute Repack Cycle Surveillance Program | E-mail request | 1996 | Foster Richards | |
Flight Worthiness Testing of a Laser Canopy Fracturing Initiation Subsystem (CFIS) | E-mail request | 1996 | David A. Cole & Craig A. Kesner | |
The Light Occupant Weight Ejection Seat Test (LOWEST) Program and Light Weight Escape Issues from the ACES II Ejection Seat | E-mail request | 1996 | Robert Billings & Andrew S. Kiddis | |
ACES II Ejection Seat Improvements | E-mail request | 1996 | Robert B. Calkins | |
Fourth Generation Escape System Technologies Demonstration Program Status | E-mail request | 1996 | James J. Schoen & A. Blair McDonald | |
Development of the New Deployment System for the u.s. Army Troop Reserve Parachute | E-mail request | 1996 | Howard Mixon | |
Antl-G Straining Maneuver In Air Combat Pursuit: strength | E-mail request | 1996 | Tamara L. Chelette & lloyd D. Tripp. | |
Object Orientated Ejection Seat Model | E-mail request | 1996 | Mark Elson & J. Stephen Lingard | |
Development of the Thor Advanced Frontal Crash Test Dummy | E-mail request | 1996 | Richard P. White | |
Survey of Commercial Pilots Addressing Comfort and Fit Issues of Alrcrew Oxygen Masks | E-mail request | 1996 | Saeid Motavalli | |
Overview of Systems to Enhance Situation Awareness and Survivability | E-mail request | 1996 | Valerie J. Gawron | |
Improved Airborne Tactical Situational Awareness: It Is Possible! | E-mail request | 1996 | Karen T. Garner & Thomas J. Assenmacher | |
Isometric Strength of Men and Women Prior to and After Multiple High-G Air-to-Air Combat Sorties on a Human Centrifuge | E-mail request | 1996 | Lloyd D. Tripp | |
A New Helicopter Passenger Suit System | E-mail request | 1996 | Brian Farnworth & Stephen F. Portman | |
Progress In Sealed Parachute Development | E-mail request | 1996 | Lance C. Labun | |
Progress In Inflatable Restraint System Development | E-mail request | 1996 | Richard E. Zimmermann . | |
Virtual Reality Simulation In Alrcrew Emergency Parachute Training | E-mail request | 1996 | Jeffrey R. Hogue & R. Wade Allen | |
Survival Equipment - Has It Really Changed? | E-mail request | 1996 | James M. Johnson | |
Digitizatlon of Helmet Rotation Under G Using Mock Helmet Loading | E-mail request | 1996 | Robert L. Esken | |
The Design and Development of the Integrated Ballistic Helmet (ISH) | E-mail request | 1996 | David Cadogan . | |
A Conformal Foam Insert to Improve Comfort and Function of the MBU-20/P Positive Pressure Breathing Oxygen Mask | E-mail request | 1996 | Donald A. Diesel | |
Through- The-Canopy Egress Requirements | E-mail request | 1996 | Russell E. Urzi | |
Comparison of Finnish Air Force (FAF) Alrcrew Garments (F-18 and HW) In Extreme Thermal Conditions | E-mail request | 1996 | S. Rissanen | |
Plntle Controllable Catapult Conceptual and Demonstration Design | E-mail request | 1996 | Albert Epes | |
Precision Laser Tracking System | E-mail request | 1996 | Owen Langsmith & Duane Patrick | |
Survival System for Helicopter Alrcrews | E-mail request | 1996 | Richard A. Brower | |
An Advanced Stabilization Technlquo for the ACES II: A Progress Report | E-mail request | 1996 | D. E. McCauley | |
U.S. Navy Refresher Physiology Training In Aircraft Simulators: A Case Study | E-mail request | 1996 | CDR Richard P. Mason & COR Ryan B. Eichner | |
Leg Clearance Predictions Using Ejection Simulations | E-mail request | 1996 | Louise Obergefell | |
R&D Solutions to Multl.Place Life Raft Deficiencies | E-mail request | 1996 | Maria Covington-Thorpe & George Gillespie | |
Introduction of an Alrbag to Improve the Canopy Fracturing System for a Two-Seater Aircraft | E-mail request | 1996 | Georg Ohlsson & Mats Huttin | |
Computational FluId Dynamics Analysis for Improved Escape System Design | E-mail request | 1996 | Thomas J. Marquette | |
Alrcrew Integrated Recovery Survival Armor Vest and Equipment Developed for Trl-Servlce Use | E-mail request | 1996 | John Meyers & Erich H. AmRhein | |
Application of Composite Materials to Ejection Seat Primary Structure | E-mail request | 1996 | Dr. Jerome Paul Fanucci | |
Utilizing a Team Problem Solving Approach for the U-2 Low Flight Breathing Regulator | E-mail request | 1996 | Kenneth A. Kota. Michael T. Jackson & Gregory A. Elliott | |
A Review of ATAGS Research and Development In the Armstrong Laboratory | E-mail request | 1996 | Robert M. Shaffstall | |
Engineering Qualification Testing of the F-15E Molecular Sieve Oxygen Generating System (MSOGS) | E-mail request | 1996 | George W. Miller & Captain Jerold E. Fenner | |
U.S. Naval and Marine Corps Helicopter Over-Water Mishaps: Stowage and Deployment of Life Rafts | E-mail request | 1996 | Lawrence E. Kinker | |
MAX PAC Flight Simulation | E-mail request | 1996 | William True | |
MAXPAC and Trajectory Shaping | E-mail request | 1996 | William True | |
A Survey of Daedallan Pilots for History of Decompression Sickness (DeS) From Exposure to 20 | E-mail request | 1996 | James T. Webb | |
Canopy Trajectory Studies | E-mail request | 1996 | Frank Drsata & Kenneth Dunn | |
The Pros and Cons of Escape Capsules | E-mail request | 1996 | Oscar W. Sepp | |
Compensation for Gas Dynamics Effects In Complex Plntle Rocket Motors | E-mail request | 1996 | Gary D. Luke | |
USN/USMC Aviation Multi-Place Life Rafts: An Acquisition Perspective | E-mail request | 1996 | Fred Gustafson & Michael C. Dilts | |
Measurement of Whole-Body Human Center of Gravity and Moments of Inertia | E-mail request | 1996 | Rebecca B. Schultz | |
U.S. Army Situation Awareness Improvement Initiatives | E-mail request | 1996 | James B. Sampson | |
Next Generation Transparency Program | E-mail request | 1996 | Robert McCarty | |
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35th. Proceedings 1997 | E-mail request | 1997 | ||
The Will To Live | E-mail request | 1997 | Wifliam W. Spruance | |
Factors Affecting Reliable Transfer Stimuli | E-mail request | 1997 | John D. Glass | |
Naval Air Systems Team Mishap Investigation Support Team | E-mail request | 1997 | Bruce Trenholm | |
B-2 Aircrew Seat Comfort Cushion Design and Development | E-mail request | 1997 | Claude M. Severance | |
Potential Pathological Effects of Repeated +Gz Exposures on Brain | E-mail request | 1997 | Xi-Qing Sun | |
The Effects of Heat Stress on UH-60 Helicopter Pilots | E-mail request | 1997 | Matthew J. Reardon | |
Report on the Optimized Mach Number Immune Sequencer | E-mail request | 1997 | Walter R. Peck | |
Safe Disposal of Energetic Materials | E-mail request | 1997 | James Baker | |
Crashing | E-mail request | 1997 | Don J. Lewis | |
Assessment of Asymmetrical Anchor Points and Load-limiting Loops with the Lap Portion of Automotive Occupant Restraints | E-mail request | 1997 | Michael L. Markushewski | |
Introducing the 16LS High Performance Ejection Seat | E-mail request | 1997 | Brian A. Miller | |
The Effects of Aircraft Transparencies on Night VIsion Goggle-Mediated Visual Acuity | E-mail request | 1997 | Alan Pinkus | |
Preliminary Screening Results for an Electrical Detonator Utilizing BNCP as the Principal Energetic Material | E-mail request | 1997 | Thomas J. Blachowski and Michael Oestreich | |
Inflatable AeroStablllzers for NACES | E-mail request | 1997 | Glen J. Brown | |
Methodology for Accurate Flow Measurement at SubAtmospheric Pressures | E-mail request | 1997 | Bruce E. Siskowski and David C. Maloney | |
Laser Initiated Ordnance Systems for Crew Escape - A Cooperative Approach | E-mail request | 1997 | Tom Blachowski and Stephen Porter | |
Analyzing Explosive Severance of the Next Generation Transparency (NGT) | E-mail request | 1997 | James E. Fritz | |
Comparison of the Dynamic Response of a Hybrid III ATD Restrained by an Inflataband TM in a Sled Test with the Computer Simulation Results and Comparison of the Protection Performance of a Conventional Seat Belt and Safety Alrbag Configuration vs. The Inflataband TM In a Frontal Impact Test | E-mail request | 1997 | Don Lewis | |
Establishing a Spinal Criterion for Military Seats | E-mail request | 1997 | Martin Rapaport | |
Priority One: Survival! -- Part II Navy State-of-the-Art Survival Item Update | E-mail request | 1997 | Michael Jaffee | |
Validation of Burnslm Predictions Against Human and Pig Skin Bu rns | E-mail request | 1997 | Ted Knox. Chris Perry | |
The Effect of Helmet Inenlal Properties on Male and Female Head Response During +Gz Impact Accelerations | E-mail request | 1997 | Chris E. Perry | |
Interaction Between Computer Models of Face and Mask | E-mail request | 1997 | T. Shams | |
Protective Coating Analysis | E-mail request | 1997 | Diane L. Sabal and Gregory J. Dohm | |
Helmet Mounted Display Stability During +Gz ExPosure | E-mail request | 1997 | Tal Maoz | |
A Brief History of Crashworthlness | E-mail request | 1997 | William D. Waldock | |
Force-Dependent Parachute Inflation Control | E-mail request | 1997 | Kurt E. Wittendorfer | |
NACES P31 Phase I - A Progress Report | E-mail request | 1997 | J. Stephen Lingard | |
The Application of Inflatable Aerodynamic Stabilizers on an Ejection Seat | E-mail request | 1997 | M. F. Neal and J.S. Lingard | |
Preliminary Evaluation of a Newly Designed Laser Initiator for Various CAD/PAD Applications | E-mail request | 1997 | Doug Benner and Thomas J. Blachowski | |
Development of an Integrated Ejection Seat/Crewmember Model | E-mail request | 1997 | Deren Ma | |
Ejection Mitigation During Rollover Crashes Using Inflatable Tubular Structure (ITS@) | E-mail request | 1997 | Gershon Yaniv | |
Data to Design: Anthropometry In Naval Aviation | E-mail request | 1997 | Heather D. Tucker | |
Certification Dynamic Tests of Seat Restraint Systems Certification Dynamic Tests of Seat Restraint Systems and Occupant Protection on Transport Aircraft | E-mail request | 1997 | Chris Bradney and Keith Ware | |
Development of an Advanced Energy Absorber | E-mail request | 1997 | Marvin K. Richards and Roger Podob | |
Modeling of Human Neck Response to Vertical Impact | E-mail request | 1997 | Beth Anderson | |
Development of an Advanced Energy Absorber | E-mail request | 1997 | Marvin K. Richards and Roger Podob | |
Modeling of Human Neck Response to Vertical Impact | E-mail request | 1997 | Beth Anderson | |
Anthropometric Sizing and Patterning of the New Eagle G-Suit (CSU-20/P) | E-mail request | 1997 | Bruce Bradtmiller | |
Quality Evaluation Testing of Rocket Motors for Aircrew Escape Applications | E-mail request | 1997 | Dr. Stan Caulder | |
The Swedish Tactical Flight Combat Suit Is Approved for Production | E-mail request | 1997 | Bengt Landervik | |
Evaluation of GEBOD as a Predictor of Human Body Data: Performed Using High Resolution Human Body Topography | E-mail request | 1997 | Jennifer J. Whitestone and Jeffrey A. Hudson | |
Anthropometric Accommodation In Training Aircraft | E-mail request | 1997 | Gregory Zehner | |
NACES Drogue Parachute Service Life-Extension Evaluation Program | E-mail request | 1997 | Richard W. Hu nter | |
Occupant Safety Simulations for Interior Design | E-mail request | 1997 | Bachar Aljundi | |
Virtual Horizon Altitude Warning System | E-mail request | 1997 | CDR David E. Stevens | |
Helicopter Alrcrew Underwater Breathing DevIce SRU-40/P | E-mail request | 1997 | Luis A. Gierbolini and Janice Wensel. | |
Impact of Recent Altitude Physiology Research on Design of Cockpit Pressurization Systems | E-mail request | 1997 | James T. Webb | |
Extended Exposure Capability After Rapid Decompression at 60 | E-mail request | 1997 | Brian P. Self | |
Custom Oxygen Mask Construction Using Computer Assisted Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) TeChnologies | E-mail request | 1997 | Donald A. Diesel | |
Will Canopy-Embedded Mild Detonating Cord Affect Aircrew Visual Performance? | E-mail request | 1997 | Aaron J. Gannon | |
A Comparison of Human and Ejection Seat Test Manikin Static Centers of Gravity and Moments of Inertia | E-mail request | 1997 | Christopher B. Albery | |
Mishap Data Evaluation of Current Naval Aircraft 1987-1996 | E-mail request | 1997 | Elsa J. Hennings | |
The United Kingdom Airblast Test Facility | E-mail request | 1997 | Richard C. Taylor | |
Survival and Flight Equipment Association (Europe) Symposium 1997 . The Basis for Material Selection for Use In Oxygen Service | E-mail request | 1997 | Simon E.C. Court | |
PANEL SESSIONS | E-mail request | 1997 | ||
Introduction to the Joint Service Alrcrew Systems Guide Specification | E-mail request | 1997 | Dennis W. Schroll | |
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36th. Annual Proceedings Papers 1998 | E-mail request | 1998 | ||
Measuring Observers' Visual Acuity Through Night Vision Goggles | E-mail request | 1998 | Alan Pinkus | |
The Effect of FV-9 and Wardove Laser Eye Protection On Night Vision Goggle-Aided Visual Acuity | E-mail request | 1998 | Joseph T. Riegler and George M. Fiedler | |
Photographic Assessment of Dark Spots in Night Vision Device Images | E-mail request | 1998 | Peter L. Marasco | |
Further Development of the Panoramic Night Vision Goggle | E-mail request | 1998 | Jeffrey L. Craig and Eric E. Geiselman | |
Current Cockpit Lighting Issues | E-mail request | 1998 | George M. Fiedler | |
Chemical Lightsticks as a Night Vision Goggle Compatible Lighting Technique for Aircraft Cockpits: Characteristics | E-mail request | 1998 | H. Lee Task | |
Methods of Implementing NVIS Compatible Cockpit Lighting | E-mail request | 1998 | John L. Martin | |
Aircraft External Lighting; Concepts for NVG Operations | E-mail request | 1998 | Chuck Antonio | |
Aircraft External Lighting; Concepts for NVG Operations | E-mail request | 1998 | Chuck Antonio | |
Safety of Flight and Anthropometry in United States Aircraft | E-mail request | 1998 | Heather D. Tucker and Jennifer J. Crawford. | |
Development of the OBOGS and BRAG Valve for the F-22 Life Support System | E-mail request | 1998 | N.P. J. Lovette and R. Ashdown | |
Investigation and Evaluation of a Replacement Parachute for The SJU-5/A Escape System | E-mail request | 1998 | Richard E. Borsch | |
XF-2 Canopy Jettison System Design and Development | E-mail request | 1998 | Takashi Fujimoto and Makoto Yamano | |
XF-2 Aircrew Escape System Design and Development | E-mail request | 1998 | Masalui Kageyalna | |
Military-Approved SEE/RESCUE(3) Technology Provides Large Visual Targets for SAR | E-mail request | 1998 | Robert N. Yonover | |
The Vibrational Environment of an Ejection: Lessons Learned from the Fourth Generation Escape Systems Advanced Technology Demonstration Program | E-mail request | 1998 | Justin B. Hall | |
Fourth Generation Escape Systems Technology Demonstration Program - - Objectives and Accomplishments | E-mail request | 1998 | Major Timothy D. Wieck | |
Fourth Generation Escape System Technology Demonstration Pintle Nozzle Controllable Propulsion System | E-mail request | 1998 | Craig M. Wheeler | |
Evolution of Ejection Seat Pintle Technology | E-mail request | 1998 | Craig Wheeler and Joe Morris | |
The Development of a Rigid Inflatable Structure | E-mail request | 1998 | Daniel G. Bagnell | |
Spatial Disorientation: What Kinds and How Often? | E-mail request | 1998 | Walter E. Sipes | |
Analysis and Discussion of the Dynamic Qualification Test Results of a Crashworthy Troop Seat System Integrated Into The CH-53D Sea Stallion | E-mail request | 1998 | Dr. Victor Weissberg and Avi Attias | |
Sustained Tolerance of Increased G (STING): A Canadian Forces Acceleration Protection System | E-mail request | 1998 | Robert Michas | |
The Warrendi Personal Locator Beacon | E-mail request | 1998 | Claude J. LeComte | |
IR Blade Tip Light for Helicopter Formation Flight | E-mail request | 1998 | Moshe Schneider and Lior Parag | |
Comparison of Optokinetic Scene Effects on the Somatogyral Illusion | E-mail request | 1998 | Charles S. Lessard | |
Parachute Simulation Enhancements for Post-EjectionlEgressTraining | E-mail request | 1998 | Jeffrey R. Hogue | |
Effect of +Gz Acceleration on Intracranial Pressure in Rabbits | E-mail request | 1998 | Xi-Qing Sun | |
Development of Human Model Validation Methods for Cockpit Accommodation Evaluation | E-mail request | 1998 | Jeffrey A. Hudson and GregoryF. Zehner | |
Anthropometric Accommodation in USAF Training Aircraft: A Comparison of Operational Requirements | E-mail request | 1998 | Beth M. Rogers-Adams | |
A Multi-Media Training System for Measuring Anthropomctric Accommodation in Cockpits | E-mail request | 1998 | Gregory F. Zehner | |
Hot Wire Initiators - Reliable and Safe | E-mail request | 1998 | William J. Sipes | |
Developing a Modeling and Simulation Paradigm for Assessing the Encumbrance of Helicopter Aircrew Clothing and Equipment | E-mail request | 1998 | Richard Kozycki | |
Air Warrior - Designing an Integrated System | E-mail request | 1998 | Karen Gaupo Smith | |
Priority One: Survival! - - Part m - Navy State-of-the-Art Sunrival Item Update Personal Survival Kit | E-mail request | 1998 | Michael Jaffee | |
Individual and Population Specific Manikins for the Articulated Total Body Model | E-mail request | 1998 | Ivan Liew | |
NACES P3I Phase II - An Overview | E-mail request | 1998 | J. Stephen Lingard | |
Evaluation of Head Mobility in the XYZ Plane for a Newly Designed Neck Bellows on the Chemical Biological & Radiological (CBR) Impermeable Ventilated Mask | E-mail request | 1998 | Roland C. Thorpe | |
Qualification of an Expanded Coverage G-Suit for Navy Combat Edge | E-mail request | 1998 | Dennis N. Gordge and Wendy L. Todd | |
Female Performance in the High G Environment: An Oveniew of Centrifuge Research 1996-1997 | E-mail request | 1998 | Tamara L. Chelette | |
Risk Factors in Ejection Seat Design Associated with Upward Ejection for a Large Occupant | E-mail request | 1998 | John R. Buhrman | |
Feasibility Study for a Helicopter Survival Seat Pack | E-mail request | 1998 | Linda Pensotti | |
The Semiconductor Bridge (SCD) is an Enabling . Technology for Next Generation Safety Systems | E-mail request | 1998 | Steve Harris III and Stephen Porter | |
EMI/HERO Filtering for EED's | E-mail request | 1998 | David Rosner | |
Relationship of Protection Mask Seal Pressure to Fit Factor | E-mail request | 1998 | Kathryn S temann Cohen. | |
Preoxygenation Time Versus Decompression Sickness Incidence | E-mail request | 1998 | James T | |
Performance of a Portable Oxygen Breathing System at 25 | E-mail request | 1998 | R.P. Garner | |
Human Centrifuges: The Old and The New | E-mail request | 1998 | William B. Albery | |
Color Hue Shift During Gradual Onset Gz Acceleration | E-mail request | 1998 | Colonel (Dr.) Richard A. Allnutt and Lloyd D. Tripp | |
Aircrew Personal Environmental Control System (APECS) for F-16 and F-15 Aircraft - Design | E-mail request | 1998 | Daniel L. Fischbach | |
Development of an Extra Small Narrow MBU-20/P Oxygen Mask | E-mail request | 1998 | Brian P. Self | |
The Use of Ejection Simulation in Mishap Investigations | E-mail request | 1998 | Jeffrey P. Nichols | |
Investigation of Occupant Restraint Improvemcnts to the UPCo SIIS-3 Ejection Seat | E-mail request | 1998 | Steve Pint | |
Factors Affecting the Decision to Eject | E-mail request | 1998 | Charles (Skip) Goodman. | |
Factors Affecting the Ballistic Performance of CTPB Propellants Used in Aircrew Escape Rocket Systems | E-mail request | 1998 | Dr. S.M. Caulder and E. Hernandez | |
A Methodology for Evaluating Pintle System Life Cycle Costs | E-mail request | 1998 | Joe Morris | |
Achieving High Ejection Scat Reliability with a COTS Based Control System | E-mail request | 1998 | Harold Larsen and Mark Nadolski | |
MAXPAC Update and Lessons Learned | E-mail request | 1998 | Bill Barnette and Kevin L. Peterson. | |
NACES P3I Sequencer Concept | E-mail request | 1998 | Alfred F. Perz | |
Integration of Aerodynamic Capability in Ejection Seat/Crewmember Model | E-mail request | 1998 | Deren Ma | |
Considerations in the Design of Electronic Automatic Activation Systems Compared with their Mechanical Counterparts | E-mail request | 1998 | David Hirst | |
PANEL SESSIONS | E-mail request | 1998 | ||
Re-Engineering USAF Aerospace Physiology | E-mail request | 1998 | Moderators: Colonel Jeffrey C. Sput Sventek and Robert M. Shaffstall | |
CSERIAC: The New Vision | E-mail request | 1998 | Moderator: Mi chael Fineberg | |
Joint Service Chemical-Biological Protection Equipment Panel | E-mail request | 1998 | Moderator: Colonel S. Hannan | |
Top | ||||
37TH ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM PAPERS 1999 | E-mail request | 1999 | ||
The Will to Live | E-mail request | 1999 | William w. Spruance | |
Panoramic Night Visit Goggle Update | E-mail request | 1999 | Eric E. Geiselman and Jeffrey L. Craig | |
Optical Characterization of Wide Field-of-View Night Vision Devices | E-mail request | 1999 | Peter L. Marasco and H. Lee Task | |
Field of View Effects Upon a Simulated Flight and Target Acquisition Task | E-mail request | 1999 | Denise L. Aleva | |
Panoramic Night Vision Goggle-Maintainer's Perspective | E-mail request | 1999 | Mike Sedillo | |
Reproducibility of Night Vision Goggle Visual Acuity Measurements Using Landolt C's | E-mail request | 1999 | Alan Pinkus | |
Effects of Laser Eye Protection and Aircraft Windscreens on Visual Acuity Through Night Vision Goggles | E-mail request | 1999 | H. Lee Task | |
Night Vision: At a Crossroads | E-mail request | 1999 | Captain Paul M. Riegert | |
Current USN/USMC Aircraft Anthropometric Compatibility Issues and the Street to Fleet Proposal | E-mail request | 1999 | Heather D. Tucker and Lori L. Brattin | |
USN/USMC Ejection Seat Equipped Aircraft Anthropometric Accommodations | E-mail request | 1999 | Greg Kennedy | |
SEEIRESCUE@ Distress Signaling Technology for Upper Altitude and Infra-Red Applications | E-mail request | 1999 | Robert N. Yonover | |
The 'Diamond Pattern' Canopy Fracturing System | E-mail request | 1999 | Kevin M. Hopwood | |
The Effect of High G on Color Target Identification and Selection | E-mail request | 1999 | Tamara Chelette | |
Induced Monocular Vision (IMV) During Simulated Agile Flight | E-mail request | 1999 | Colonel (Dr.) Richard A. Allnutt | |
Helmet Weight and CG Effects on the Performance of Tracking Tasks During +Gz Acceleration | E-mail request | 1999 | Edward S. Eveland | |
An Advanced Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System for Fighter Aircraft | E-mail request | 1999 | Donald Swihart and Finley Barfield | |
Recent Development of the NASA X-38 Parafoil Landing System | E-mail request | 1999 | John J. Smith | |
Effect of Airbag Friction on Mitigation of Impact Severity | E-mail request | 1999 | Xavier J. R. Avula | |
Propellant Development for a Canopy Ejection Rocket Motor | E-mail request | 1999 | Charles T. Rittenhouse and Ralph Hsiao | |
Modeling Energy Adsorption in Commercial Airline Seating with MADYMO Dynamic Simulation | E-mail request | 1999 | Rob Marshall | |
T-38 Escape System: A Technical Assessment | E-mail request | 1999 | Robert Billings | |
A Program for the Analysis of Rapid Aircraft Cabin Decompression | E-mail request | 1999 | Dennis W. Schroll and Thomas F. Tibbals | |
A Program for the Analysis and Design of Aircraft LOX Systems | E-mail request | 1999 | Dennis W. Schroll and Thomas F. Tibbals | |
Male and Female Sizing in Aircrew Protective Ensembles: Lessons from the Trenches | E-mail request | 1999 | Bruce Bradtmiller | |
Operational Application of Exercise-Enhanced Pre-oxygenation | E-mail request | 1999 | James T. Webb | |
A User Fitted Helmet Fitting/Retention System for Passenger Helmets and Helmet Mounted Optical Display Systems | E-mail request | 1999 | Colonel John V. Barson and Flight Sergeant Roger J. Croft | |
High Contract Filters and Their Use in the Aviation Environment | E-mail request | 1999 | William E. McLean | |
Thermal Evaluation of an Aircrew Air Cooled Garment with Standard | E-mail request | 1999 | Robert M. Shaffstall | |
United States Navy Advanced Crew Station Evaluation Techniques | E-mail request | 1999 | Jennifer Crawford | |
Altitude Decompression Sickness Risk Assessment Computer (ADRAC) Development | E-mail request | 1999 | Andrew A. Pilmanis | |
Development of an Ejection Data Acquisition and Recorder Module (EDARM) | E-mail request | 1999 | J. R. Priest and Delano Wilson | |
The Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Determining G-Suit Bladder Expansion Envelopes | E-mail request | 1999 | Valerie Dyck | |
Chest Mounted Armored Microclimate Conditioned Air Device (CMAMCAD) | E-mail request | 1999 | William B. Reason | |
Multi-Mission Destruct System Developed for the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster Range Safety | E-mail request | 1999 | Noreen Loone | |
Heat Stress in the Cockpit of Military Aircraft on JASDF | E-mail request | 1999 | Hirokazu Ozaki | |
Designing the Air Warrior (AW) System for Optimized Human Performance | E-mail request | 1999 | Linda Pensotti | |
Digital Anthropometric Video Imaging Device (DAVID) | E-mail request | 1999 | Jack L. Saxton | |
Design Considerations for Aircraft Crash Sensing | E-mail request | 1999 | Robert F. Gansman | |
Crash Protection Performance of a Helicopter Cockpit Airbag System | E-mail request | 1999 | Robert F. Gansman and Anita E. Grierson | |
Inadvertent or Unnecessary Deployment of Inflatable Occupant Restraints | E-mail request | 1999 | Dr. George Sprague | |
Cartridge Actuated Devices/Propellant Actuated Devices (CAD/PAD) Virtual Fleet Support | E-mail request | 1999 | Julie Burch | |
Maneuver Control Logic and Control Law for the Advanced Technology Escape System (A TES) | E-mail request | 1999 | Arun K. Trikha | |
An Objective Evaluation of the Potential for Inadvertent CABS Deployment | E-mail request | 1999 | Michael J. Happ | |
Validation of the Easy5-ATB Ejection Seat/Occupant Model with High-Speed Sled Test | E-mail request | 1999 | Deren Ma | |
A Comparison of Male and Female Acceleration Responses During Laboratory +Gz Impact Tests | E-mail request | 1999 | John R. Buhrman and Stephen E. Mosher | |
HUD Viewability in a Smoke-Filled Cockpit | E-mail request | 1999 | Philip Moylan | |
PANELS | E-mail request | 1999 | ||
Helicopter Aircrew Integrated Life Support System - HAILSS Program Overview | E-mail request | 1999 | Estrella M. Forster | |
Helicopter Advanced Integrated Life Support System (HAILSS) -Integrated Helmet System | E-mail request | 1999 | W. L. Epperson | |
HAILSS Integrated Garment (Neck-Down) | E-mail request | 1999 | Juergen Just and Hartmut Gehse | |
Development of the U.S. Navy Advanced Personal Air Conditioning System System (APACS) | E-mail request | 1999 | Jonathan W. Kaufman | |
Helicopter Aircrew Integrated Life Support System HAILSS Aircraft Integration Testing | E-mail request | 1999 | William B. Reason | |
Helicopter Aircrew Integrated Life Support System HAILSS Integration | E-mail request | 1999 | Paul Dolinar | |
BRIEFINGS | E-mail request | 1999 | ||
Development of Aircrew Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Military Standards | E-mail request | 1999 | Neil W. Kalfas and Robert D. Sanctis | |
Top | ||||
38TH ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM 2000 | E-mail request | 2000 | ||
Adapting Automotive Lateral Head Protection Technology to a Military CABS | E-mail request | 2000 | Kenneth L. Von Der Ahe and William R. Cromer | |
Integrated Panoramic Night Vision Goggle | E-mail request | 2000 | Jeffrey L. Craig | |
Integrated Panoramic Night Vision Goggles Fixed-Focus Eyepieces: Selecting A Diopter Setting | E-mail request | 2000 | H. Lee Task | |
Panoramic Night Vision Goggle Testing for Diagnosis and Repair | E-mail request | 2000 | Peter L. Marasco and H. Lee Task | |
Night Vision Goggles Objective Lens Focusing Methodology | E-mail request | 2000 | Alan Pinkus | |
Night Vision Goggle Cockpit Integration | E-mail request | 2000 | Mike Sedillo | |
Light | E-mail request | 2000 | Michael A. Crognale | |
Tensile Neck Injury Criterion Development | E-mail request | 2000 | Louise A. Carter | |
Evaluation of Proposed Seat Cushions to Vertical Impact | E-mail request | 2000 | Chris Perry | |
Technology Transition of Ejection Test Manikins and Data Acquisition Systems to the Testing and Evaluation Arena | E-mail request | 2000 | John A. Plaga | |
Pre-Ejection Upper Torso Retraction for the Expanded Aircrew Population | E-mail request | 2000 | Steven M. Pint and John R. Buhrman | |
Determination of Seat Cushion Mechanical Properties | E-mail request | 2000 | Steve Pint | |
The Importance of System Testing in Egress Component Design | E-mail request | 2000 | Peter Stoddard | |
Dassault New Generation of Fragilization | E-mail request | 2000 | Frank Salis | |
Explosive Fracturing of an F-16 Canopy for Through-Canopy Crew Egress | E-mail request | 2000 | Laurence J. Bement | |
New Technology for Testing Inertial Reels and Crash Sensors | E-mail request | 2000 | Richard E. Zimmermann and James C. Warrick | |
Test Chamber Design for Performance -Based Evaluation Of Protective Breathing Equipment | E-mail request | 2000 | Robert P. Garner | |
Active Network Guidance and Emergency Logic (ANGEL) Program | E-mail request | 2000 | B.J. Austin | |
Anthropometric Variable Selection for Laser Eye Protection Spectacles | E-mail request | 2000 | Catherine R. Harrison | |
Development of a Laser/Fiber Optic Signal Transmission System for the Advanced Technology Ejection Seat (A TES) | E-mail request | 2000 | Thomas J. Blachowski and Dr. Peter Ostrowski | |
Application of MADYMO in the Design of a Crashworthy Aircraft Passenger Seat | E-mail request | 2000 | E. van Hassel and C.G. Huijskens | |
Inflatable Lap Belt Restraints: Potential Improvements In Aircraft Occupant Protection | E-mail request | 2000 | Cherie Alexander and Tyler Kress | |
Helmet System Performance During Exposure to Fighter Aircraft Buffet Vibration | E-mail request | 2000 | Suzanne D. Smith | |
Anthropometric Measurements as a Predictor of Vertebral Body Size in Males and Females | E-mail request | 2000 | Chung M. Siedlecki | |
Multimedia Occupant Crash Protection Development Guide and Its Application to All Modes of Human Transport | E-mail request | 2000 | Gary R. Whitman | |
Data Analysis Suite@: An Integrated Approach to Test Data Analysis | E-mail request | 2000 | Nicholas T. Duke | |
An Enhanced Personal Cooling Garment for Aircrew | E-mail request | 2000 | Wendell Uglene | |
ADPATS: Combined Technologies Produces the Next Generation of Ejection Manikins | E-mail request | 2000 | Steve Goldner | |
Low Pressure Long Duration Airbags | E-mail request | 2000 | Paul W. Paustian | |
Positive Pressure Breathing and Full Coverage Anti-G Suit in the Swedish 9G Aircraft JAS 39 Gripen | E-mail request | 2000 | Bengt Landervik | |
Self-Deploying Infrared (SDIR) SEE/RESCUE@ Streamer for Incapacitated Aircrew and Aircraft Carrier Personnel | E-mail request | 2000 | Dr. Robert Yonover | |
CATSIM: A Program to Predict Performance of Ejection Seat Catapults | E-mail request | 2000 | Brad Warner | |
NACES P31 Pintle Nozzle Rocket Motor Demonstration | E-mail request | 2000 | Craig M. Wheeler | |
The Dayton T. Brown | E-mail request | 2000 | Sebastian R. Grasso | |
Methodology and Improvements in Aircrew Parachute Descent Virtual Reality Simulation Training | E-mail request | 2000 | Jeffrey R. Hogue | |
A Fiber Optic System for Vehicle Health Monitoring | E-mail request | 2000 | Phil Schaefer and Timothy Hasselman | |
Occupant Protection During Rollover Events | E-mail request | 2000 | Larry A. Sicher | |
Ejection Seat Aviator Windblast Protection Concepts Evaluation Using Computer Simulation Tools | E-mail request | 2000 | Shyam S. Karigiri and Dr. Sanjeev M. Kulkarni | |
Cockpit Accommodation in USN/USMC Helicopters | E-mail request | 2000 | Heather Tucker and Jennifer Crawford | |
Finding Solutions to Aircraft Wiring Issues - The Aircraft Wiring and Inert Gas Generator Working Group | E-mail request | 2000 | Richard F. Healing and Tomas R. Kovach (Reprinted with permission of Mr. Healing) | |
Inflatable Tubular Torso Restraint (ITTR) to Improve Occupant Protection in Side-Facing Seats | E-mail request | 2000 | Mark Baldwin | |
Flying on a Tether: Angular Artifacts of Centrifuge- Based Dynamic Flight Simulation | E-mail request | 2000 | T. L. Chelette | |
PANELS | E-mail request | 2000 | ||
T-33 Ejection Seat Upgrade Program | E-mail request | 2000 | Presenters Joe Crotwell | |
BRIEFINGS | E-mail request | 2000 | ||
The Will to Live | E-mail request | 2000 | William W. Spruance | |
Top | ||||
39TH ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM PAPERS 2001 | E-mail request | 2001 | ||
Performance of Continuous Flow Oxygen Mask Designs Commonly Utilized with Portable Oxygen Bottles on Transport Aircraft | E-mail request | 2001 | 1 | Robert P. Garner |
Severance of Polycarbonate and Acrylic Transparencies Using Linear Shaped Charge | E-mail request | 2001 | 7 | John A. Graham |
Dynamic Pintle Simulator for Escape Propulsion System Testing | E-mail request | 2001 | 13 | Craig M. Wheeler |
Evaluating Fiber Optic Connectors for Use on the Advanced Technology Ejection Seat (A TES) | E-mail request | 2001 | 19 | Thomas J. Slachowski |
Flight Safety Through Certification of an Aeronautical Database Production Process: A Human-Centered Approach | E-mail request | 2001 | 25 | Denise Aleva |
ACES II Structural Upgrade Program | E-mail request | 2001 | 31 | Tim Moore and John L. Hampton |
Retro-Reflective vs. IR-Reflective SEE/RESCUE@ Streamer Capability | E-mail request | 2001 | 37 | Dr. Robert Yonover |
Teaching Emergency Ejection and Egress Parachuting with Virtual Reality Simulation | E-mail request | 2001 | 43 | Jeffrey R. Hogue |
A Comparison of Accident Rates in Traditional and MFD-Equipped Rotary-Wing U.S. Army Aircraft | E-mail request | 2001 | 49 | Clarence E. Rash |
Maintenance & Cleaning of US Navy Escape Systems Using Superheated-Steam Generating Systems | E-mail request | 2001 | 60 | Andrew C. Herring |
NACES Engineering Assessment Program Optimisation of Ejection Seat Maintenance Practices | E-mail request | 2001 | 78 | Kiran Chotai |
The Importance of Seat Cushion Design in Energy Absorbing Seat Systems | E-mail request | 2001 | 84 | Ed Naasz |
Future Advanced Sequencer Technology (FAST) | E-mail request | 2001 | 95 | Don McCauley |
The AFRL Biodynamics Data Bank on the Web: A Repository of Human Impact Acceleration Response Data | E-mail request | 2001 | 111 | John R. Buhrman |
Effects of Headrest Position and Helmet Weight on Human Dynamic Response During +Gz Impact Acceleration | E-mail request | 2001 | 116 | Chris E. Perry |
Survival Radio Products for the 21 sl Century | E-mail request | 2001 | 129 | Douglas Howe |
Weibull Analysis on the NACES Barostatic Release Unit | E-mail request | 2001 | 134 | Dennis C. Neill |
CYPRES@ in the Military Environment an AAD for Jumper or Pilot and Other Crew Members | E-mail request | 2001 | 140 | Gerard R. Fetter |
Lateral Restraint: Comparison of Lap/Shoulder Belt vs. Lap/Shoulder Plus Supplemental Shoulder Belt Restraint Systems | E-mail request | 2001 | 190 | Larry A. Sicher |
ACES II Ejection Seat Cooperative Modification Project - Improved Stability Subsystem | E-mail request | 2001 | 199 | Robert B. Calkins and George M. Roe |
Ejection Seat Modeling and Visualization as a Tool for Mishap Investigation | E-mail request | 2001 | 208 | Matt Conrad |
Hearing Protection Panel | E-mail request | 2001 | 217 | Co-Moderated by: Valerie S. Bjorn and Richard L. McKinley |
Human Systems Program Office Presentation | E-mail request | 2001 | 253 | Colonel Dartanian Warr |
Emergency Escape From Commercial Aircraft | E-mail request | 2001 | 312 | Thornton A. McGill II/. |
Why and How Do I Test Airbags? | E-mail request | 2001 | 330 | Bryan Webb |
Making the 1's and O's Work for You! | E-mail request | 2001 | 387 | Richard F. Healing |
What You See is What You Get! | E-mail request | 2001 | 420 | Joseph DeCarlo . |
Oxygen Cylinder and Hand Valve with Position Indication Switch | E-mail request | 2001 | 434 | Gary Thomasulo |
The Visibility of Night Vision Imaging System Compatible Displays | E-mail request | 2001 | 439 | Peter L. Marasco |
Process Development for the MK109 Mod 1 Canopy Jettison Rocket Motor | E-mail request | 2001 | 446 | Ralph Hsiao and Charles Rittenhouse |
Sizing Systems for Protective Clothing: Less is More | E-mail request | 2001 | 460 | Bruce Bradtmiller |
Emergency Beacons - The Next Generation | E-mail request | 2001 | 466 | Barry Thrower |
Fast-Cycle PSA Technology for Oxgen Generation in Military Applications | E-mail request | 2001 | 472 | Marie Taponat and Chris McLean |
Fuel Tank Flammability Modeling | E-mail request | 2001 | 478 | Ivor Thomas |
Oxygen Generation Using SEOS Ion Transport Membranes | E-mail request | 2001 | 505 | Joseph M. Abrardo |
Gas Separation Technology for Commercial Jet Aircraft Applications: Passenger Oxygen | E-mail request | 2001 | 511 | Thomas L. Reynolds and Dr. Thor Eklund |
On-Board Systems for Aircraft Fuel Tank Inerting and Oxygen Generation | E-mail request | 2001 | 526 | Jay C. Rozzi |
Combining Flotation and Ballistic Protection | E-mail request | 2001 | 532 | Stephen Portman and Roger Soar |
Top | ||||
40TH ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM PAPERS 2002 | E-mail request | 2002 | ||
Sizing Systems for Protective Clothing: Less is More 1 | E-mail request | 2002 | 1 | Bruce Bradtmiller |
Lateral Crash Restraint for Children 7 | E-mail request | 2002 | 7 | Gary R. Whitman |
Oxygen Generation Using SEOS Ion Transport Membranes 18 | E-mail request | 2002 | 18 | Joseph M Abrardo |
Limits to Attenuation (With Comments on True Field Performance Versus Laboratory Data) 24 | E-mail request | 2002 | 24 | E. H. Berger |
Crew Escape Technology: On The Threshold of Operational Use! 31 | E-mail request | 2002 | 31 | F. Terry Thomasson |
Protecting the Nation's Water Supply: Development of a National Agenda 51 | E-mail request | 2002 | 51 | Robert M. Clark |
Effects of Crewmember Gender and Size on Factors Leading to Increased Rick of Spinal Injury Durin g Aircraft E j ecti 0 n 60 | E-mail request | 2002 | 60 | John R. Buhrman & Delano D. Wilson |
Theoretical Foundation for the Operation of Liquid-Filled Anti-G Suit in Aviation 68 | E-mail request | 2002 | 68 | Xavier J R. A vula |
Low Pressure Long Duration Airbags | E-mail request | 2002 | 75 | Paul W Paustian |
Bi oterro ris m: Meetin g th e Challen ges 79 | E-mail request | 2002 | 79 | Johnathan L. Kiel |
Enhanced FAA-Hybrid III Dummy for Aircraft Occupant Safety Assessment 93 | E-mail request | 2002 | 93 | C. D. Waagmeester |
Fast-Cycle PSA Technology for Oxygen Generation in Military Applications 103 | E-mail request | 2002 | 103 | Marie Taponat |
N on-O DC Aircraft Oxygen Line Cleaning System 1 09 | E-mail request | 2002 | 109 | John Herrington |
New Advancements of China Aircrew Escape Technology 119 | E-mail request | 2002 | 119 | Xiao Sheng & Zhang Guangjian |
China XB High Accuracy Rocket-Propelled Sled Test Track 124 | E-mail request | 2002 | 124 | Zhang Guangjian |
Tactor Locator System for the Tactile Situation Awareness System (TSAS) 130 | E-mail request | 2002 | 130 | Rita Ciammaichella |
Combined Flotation and Ballistic Protection 137 | E-mail request | 2002 | 137 | Steve Portman & Roger Soar |
NVG Visibility of Laser Illuminated Warrior Glotape@ 146 | E-mail request | 2002 | 146 | Ft Lt. Kevin P. Wegener |
Monitoring Air Force Aircraft Escape System Tests Using GPS-Based Position and Velocity 154 | E-mail request | 2002 | 154 | Captain Christina Schutte |
Human Vibration Response During F/A-18C Hornet Aircraft Carrier Operations 164 | E-mail request | 2002 | 164 | Suzanne D. Smith |
Development of Objective Test Methods for Determination of Ejection Seat Cushion Comfort 173 | E-mail request | 2002 | 173 | Steve Pint |
Lateral Restraint: Comparison of Lap/Shoulder Belt vs. Lap/Shoulder Plus Supplemental Shoulder Belt RestraintS ystems 184 | E-mail request | 2002 | 184 | Larry A. Sicher |
ACES II Ejection Seat Cooperative Modification Project - Improved Stability Subsystem Update 193 | E-mail request | 2002 | 193 | Robert B. Calkins & John Hampton |
ACES II Structural Upgrade Program Update 204 | E-mail request | 2002 | 204 | Tim Moore |
A Biomechanical Study on the Parachute Landing Fall 215 | E-mail request | 2002 | 215 | Wayne Kong |
Report on the Testing of the Spinal Preload Piston in the ACES-II CKU-5B/A Catapult 224 | E-mail request | 2002 | 224 | Walter R. Peck |
Demonstration of Head and Neck Protection Devices for High-Speed Ejection 235 | E-mail request | 2002 | 235 | Bob Gansman & Matt Darley |
Emergency Escape Seq uencer System Tester (EESS T) 244 | E-mail request | 2002 | 224 | Michael E. Wallace |
Onboard Systems for Aircraft Fuel Tank Inerting and Oxygen Generation 261 | E-mail request | 2002 | 261 | Jay C. Rozzi |
Joint Strike Fighter - The Martin-Baker Story so Far 267 | E-mail request | 2002 | 267 | S. D. Roberts |
Thigh Injury Risk During Ejection: Development of an Injury Criterion for Femur Fracture 274 | E-mail request | 2002 | 274 | Glenn PaskofJ |
Rap id Deflagra ting Cord (RDC) (B riefin g) 2 87 | E-mail request | 2002 | 287 | Lynn G. Hilden |
Enhanced Vision for Enhanced Safety 3 0 1 | E-mail request | 2002 | 301 | Philip A. Moylan |
Special Helmet for S.A.R. and Combat Zone Pilots Extraction Units of I.A.F 330 | E-mail request | 2002 | 330 | Yuval Ezra & Lt. Col. (Res.) Jacob Brandstaetter |
The Global Aviation Information Network (GAIN): Using Information Proactively to Improve A via ti 0 n Safety 3 53 | E-mail request | 2002 | 353 | Christopher A. Hart |
Hearin g Pro tecti 0 n Pan el 3 69 | E-mail request | 2002 | 369 | Panel Co-Chairs: Valerie S. Bjorn & Richard L. McKinley |
USAF Foreign Comparative Test of the Libelle Anti-G Suit 375 | E-mail request | 2002 | 375 | Panel Chair: Dr. William Albery |
Safety and the K-9 Search T earn 4 70 | E-mail request | 2002 | 470 | Assistant Chief William Hall |
Characterization of Impact Properties of Ejection Seat Cushions 504 | E-mail request | 2002 | 504 | Zhiqing Cheng |
Sensitivity Analysis of Impact Properties of Ejection Seat Cushions 512 | E-mail request | 2002 | 512 | Zhiqing Cheng |
Top | ||||
41ST ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM PAPERS 2003 | E-mail request | 2003 | ||
Development and Qualification of the CKU-5C/ A Rocket Catapult for the ACES II Ejection Seat l | E-mail request | 2003 | 1 | Tom Ilkka and Ray Bazil |
Air Warrior Microclimate Cooling System for U.S. Army Helicopter Aircrew 10 | E-mail request | 2003 | 10 | Richard Luechtefeld |
Pilot Reach of Flight Controls Under Positive and Negative Gz 37 | E-mail request | 2003 | 37 | William B. Albery |
ACES II Ejection Seat Cooperative Modification Project - Development of Limb Restraint System and Accommodation Expanding Equipment 44 | E-mail request | 2003 | 44 | Col. Aiko Shigematsu |
Fixed Aircrew Seat Standardization (F ASS) Program 62 | E-mail request | 2003 | 62 | Robert Lee |
On the Application of Explicit Finite Element Analysis and Coupled Fluid/Structure Simulations as they Apply to Escape and Recovery Systems 78 | E-mail request | 2003 | 78 | A.P. Taylor |
The Effects of Variable Helmet Weight on Head Response and Neck Loading During Lateral +Gy Impact 88 | E-mail request | 2003 | 88 | Chris Perry |
Inertial Properties of Human Heads for Ejection Test Manikin Design 96 | E-mail request | 2003 | 96 | John A. Plaga and Chris Albery |
Human Head Shapes and Sizes for Design of Ejection Test Manikins 102 | E-mail request | 2003 | 102 | John A. Plaga and Mark Boehmer |
ARFL Impact & Acceleration Test Facilities and Data Bank 108 | E-mail request | 2003 | 108 | Steven M Pint and John R. Buhrman |
Why Windblast Testing Does Not Compare to Sled Testing 115 | E-mail request | 2003 | 115 | Nicholas Shouse |
ACES II Ejection Seat Leg Well Mounted Leg Restraint System 170 | E-mail request | 2003 | 170 | Tim Moore |
Digital Recovery Sequencer - ACES Ejection Seats 177 | E-mail request | 2003 | 177 | David A. Ross |
ACES II Ejection Seat Enhanced Drogue System Update 184 | E-mail request | 2003 | 184 | Tim Moore |
ACES II Ejection Seat Accommodations 205 | E-mail request | 2003 | 205 | Steve Bredl |
ACES II Ejection Seat Arm Restraint Program 216 | E-mail request | 2003 | 216 | Tim Moore |
GORETM HSFTM Barrier Fabric - Advancing Impermeable Technical Fabrics 235 | E-mail request | 2003 | 235 | Jan Allmaras |
Performance Criteria for Development of Extended Use Protective Breathing Equipment 243 | E-mail request | 2003 | 243 | Robert P. Garner |
CFD Validation for Contaminant Transport in Aircraft Cabin Ventilation Flow Fields 248 | E-mail request | 2003 | 248 | Robert P. Garner |
Design and Safety Analysis Tool for Amusement Park Rides 254 | E-mail request | 2003 | 254 | Dana B. Rogers |
JSF Caesar: Construction of a 3-D Anthropometric Sample for Design of Joint Strike Fighter Pil ot Flight Clothing an d Eq uip men t 2 61 | E-mail request | 2003 | 261 | Jeffrey A. Hudson and Gregory F. Zehner |
F-22 OBIGGS Monitor - Zirconia Oxygen Sensor Technology - A Design and Logistical Ben efit Analysis 2 7 6 | E-mail request | 2003 | 276 | Russ Hart |
F -16 Operation Assessment 283 | E-mail request | 2003 | 283 | George DeFilippi |
Benefits to the Current Battlefield Through Point-of-Use Oxygen for Medical Use (PVOCS Patient Ventilation Oxygen Concentration System) 291 | E-mail request | 2003 | 291 | Robert Demidowicz |
V-22 OBIGGS / OBOGS - One Unit | E-mail request | 2003 | 299 | Robert Demidowicz |
Life Cycle Management of Crashworthy Seating Systems | E-mail request | 2003 | 307 | Nicholas X Tullo and Elizabeth B. Motley |
Modeling of Linear Shaped Charge Performance Using LS-Dyna 312 | E-mail request | 2003 | 312 | Steve McDonald |
An Investigation of the Role of Helmet-Mounted Displays in AH-64 Apache Accidents 323 | E-mail request | 2003 | 323 | Clarence E. Rash and Barbara S. Reynolds |
Force-Dependent | E-mail request | 2003 | 340 | Kurt E. Wittendorfer |
Thermal Manikin Investigation of Personal Cooling Systems Worn Under Protective Clothing with Various Permeability and Insulation Properties 351 | E-mail request | 2003 | 351 | Francois-Xavier Jette |
Rapid Development of China Aviation Life-Support Equipment R & D Center 359 | E-mail request | 2003 | 359 | Xiao Sheng and Zhang Guangjian |
High-Speed Test Facilities at Patuxent River Naval Air Station 365 | E-mail request | 2003 | 365 | Rachael Testerman |
Anthropometric Considerations to the Form | E-mail request | 2003 | 377 | Sam Napier |
Satellite Aided Search & Rescue 3 84 | E-mail request | 2003 | 384 | Barry Thrower |
Transitioning Military Search and Rescue Technology to a Non-Military Environment 391 | E-mail request | 2003 | 391 | Frances E. Connors |
Hurricane Mesa Test Facility Updated Capabilities 406 | E-mail request | 2003 | 406 | Dick Higgins |
Gaseous Oxygen Cart Cleaning System (GOXCCS) 415 | E-mail request | 2003 | 415 | Terence A. Caldwell |
Data Collection and Analysis of Full-Scale Canopy Fragilization Tests 431 | E-mail request | 2003 | 431 | Tom Blachowski and Dr. Peter Ostrowski |
Department of Defense CAD/P AD Insensitive Munitions Certification Waiver/Process 440 | E-mail request | 2003 | 440 | John L. Goodwin and John W Burchett |
The Effects of Military Aircraft Seat Cushion Concepts on Human Vibration Response 448 | E-mail request | 2003 | 448 | Captain Charles M. Loyer |
Enhanced Aircrew Emergency Virtual Reality Parachute Simulation-Based Training 458 | E-mail request | 2003 | 458 | Jeffrey R. Hogue |
Development and Application of Self-Powered Human Short Arm Centrifuge 469 | E-mail request | 2003 | 469 | Xi-Qing Sun |
The Will To Live 4 7 5 | E-mail request | 2003 | 475 | William W Spruance |
Top | ||||
42ND ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM PAPERS 2004 | E-mail request | 2004 | ||
The Will To Live | E-mail request | 2004 | 1 | William W. Spruance |
Reliability of the Gas Supply in the Air Force Emergency Passenger Oxygen System (EPOS) | E-mail request | 2004 | 5 | Robert P. Garner |
Risk Perceptions that Effect Behavior and Attitudes in Safety Programs | E-mail request | 2004 | 11 | MSgt. Paul David Spillane. |
Influence of Added Head Mass Properties on Head/Neck Loads During Standard Helicopter Impact Conditions | E-mail request | 2004 | 20 | Glenn Paskoff and Ed Sieveka |
ACES II Pre-Planned Product Improvement (P3I) Program Update | E-mail request | 2004 | 41 | Captain Demetrius Stewart |
Human Modeling for Injury Assessment During Ejection | E-mail request | 2004 | 64 | Wei-Meng Ho |
A Vertical Ejection Simulation Tower (VEST) to Elicit the Biomechanical Responses of the Head-Neck Complex in Pilot Ejection | E-mail request | 2004 | 71 | HK Chan |
Improvements in Aircrew Emergency Virtual Reality Parachute Simulation-Based Training | E-mail request | 2004 | 81 | Jeffrey R. Hogue |
Injury Mechanisms Experienced by Occupants of Side-Facing Seats in Crash or Heavy Landing | E-mail request | 2004 | 94 | Les Neil |
Emergency Location: Delivering Portability & Precision | E-mail request | 2004 | 106 | Barry Thrower |
CKU-5C/A Rocket Catapult ACES II Sled Test Program | E-mail request | 2004 | 114 | Craig Wheeler |
Modeling of Aircrew Head and Neck Loads During Experienced During Ejection | E-mail request | 2004 | 122 | E. Chavary |
Wide Application of the Digital Technology in Aviation Escape System Field | E-mail request | 2004 | 169 | Xiao Yang and Xiao Sheng |
The Irvin-GQ Type 6000 Parachute and Ribbon Drogue for F-35 Joint Strike Fighter | E-mail request | 2004 | 176 | David Hirst |
Neck Muscle Activation Levels During Frontal Impact | E-mail request | 2004 | 177 | Joseph Pellettiere |
The Effects of Variable Helmet Weight and Subject Bracing on Neck Loading During Frontal -GX Impact | E-mail request | 2004 | 186 | Erica Doczy |
Evaluation of the Safety Performance of Ejection Seat Cushions | E-mail request | 2004 | 193 | Zhiqing Cheng and Joseph A. Pellettiere |
The Role of the United States Air Force Academy in the Spatial Disorientation Countermeasures Research Program | E-mail request | 2004 | 202 | Brian P. Self and Ryan Maresh |
Mk16E - An Integrated Approach | E-mail request | 2004 | 208 | S. D. Roberts |
PM HALO: The Development of a New Helmet System for Military Parachutists | E-mail request | 2004 | 225 | John Winship |
A Study of Reported Sickness Patterns and Stress Among Air Travelers at Delhi Airport | E-mail request | 2004 | 244 | Dr. B. K. Singh. |
ACES Modular Seat Program | E-mail request | 2004 | 292 | Tim Moore |
Digital Recovery Sequencer - ACES Ejection Seats | E-mail request | 2004 | 305 | David A. Ross |
Designing and Realization of an Advanced Ejection Seat Training Simulator (ESTS) | E-mail request | 2004 | 313 | He Ning and Xiao Sheng |
Optically Driven Wireless Earplug for Communications and Hearing Protection | E-mail request | 2004 | 319 | Jeffrey Buchholz |
Electro-Explosive Device Research at the University of Idaho | E-mail request | 2004 | 326 | Daniel V. Gunter |
Dynamic Analysis of the Human Spine Using Laboratory Vertical Deceleration Tower Tests | E-mail request | 2004 | 333 | David B. Hamlin and Randall D. Manteufel |
Briefing - LV2 (Low Volume) Improved 2nd Stage for Emergency Breathing Device | E-mail request | 2004 | 342 | Dan Riffee |
The North American Eagle TM World Landspeed Project | E-mail request | 2004 | 365 | Ed Drumheller II |
CNS-Controller Neck Support Compensation of G-Loads on Head-and-Helmet System by Controlled Next Support | E-mail request | 2004 | 398 | Josef Schmitz |
Development of a Mobile Aircrew Webbing Retractor System | E-mail request | 2004 | 432 | Roger Podob and Chris Culbertson. |
Zinc-Nickel Plating for Propellant Actuated Devices (PADs) | E-mail request | 2004 | 447 | Harry L. Archer |
Multi-Weight Range | E-mail request | 2004 | 481 | Walter Peck |
Body Dynamics Computer Modeling: Prototyping of Safety Systems And Laboratory Tests | E-mail request | 2004 | 537 | Ed Sieveka |
Briefing - State-of-the-Art Escape System Testing at the Holloman High Speed Test Track | E-mail request | 2004 | ||
CNS - Controller Neck Support - Compensation of G-Loads on Head-and-Helmet System by Controlled Neck Support | E-mail request | 2004 | 561 | Deneen Black |
Top | ||||
43RD ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM PAPERS 2005 | E-mail request | 2005 | ||
The Will To Live | E-mail request | 2005 | 1 | William W Spruance |
The Characterization of Spinal Compression in Various-Sized Human and Manikin Subjects During +Gz Impact | E-mail request | 2005 | 5 | Erin Caldwell and John Plaga |
The Effects of Training and Subject Reproducibility During Vertical Impact Acceleration | E-mail request | 2005 | 12 | Hilary Gallagher |
Multi-Axis Vibration Mitigation Properties of Seat Cushions During Military Propeller Aircraft Operational Exposures | E-mail request | 2005 | 23 | S. D. Smith and JA. Smith |
Flight Test and Development of a New Anti-G System In JAS 39 Gripen | E-mail request | 2005 | 34 | Christer Berglund and Bjorn Marklund |
The Optimized Three Weight Range | E-mail request | 2005 | 50 | Walter R. Peck |
Pretensioners and Injury Risk | E-mail request | 2005 | 63 | John R. Yannaccone |
An Investigation of Troop Seat Testing Methodology Using MADYMO Models | E-mail request | 2005 | 90 | Edwin M Sieveka and Levent Kitis . |
ACES II Pre-Planned Product Improvement (P31) Program Update | E-mail request | 2005 | 109 | Ben Sabo |
Digital Recovery Sequencer - Advanced Concept Ejection Seats | E-mail request | 2005 | 130 | David A. Ross |
Predicted Water Immersion Survival Times for Anti-Exposure Ensembles | E-mail request | 2005 | 176 | Barry S. Shender |
Overview of the NA V AIR Spinal Injury Mitigation Program | E-mail request | 2005 | 185 | Barry S. Shender |
Mobile Aircrew Restraint System - MARS | E-mail request | 2005 | 194 | Roger Podob |
An Examination of Survival Rates Based on External Flotation Devices: A Helicopter Ditching Review from 1971 to 2005 | E-mail request | 2005 | 202 | Michael Taber and John McCabe |
Virtual Reality Parachute Simulation Enhancements For Improved Aircrew Emergency Training | E-mail request | 2005 | 208 | Jeffrey R. Hogue |
Quick-Don Anti-Exposure Suit Evaluation Program | E-mail request | 2005 | 218 | Richard Elder |
Evaluation of Audio Warning Levels in Aircraft | E-mail request | 2005 | 221 | Daniel Gross |
Survival Stressors Faced by Military Aviators/Aircrew Following Ditching Over Salt Water | E-mail request | 2005 | 227 | Elizabeth B. Motley |
Aircraft Accident Survivability: Rotary Wing Aircraft | E-mail request | 2005 | 242 | Elizabeth B. Motley |
Environmental Assessment in the UH-l Y and AH-IZ Aircraft | E-mail request | 2005 | 251 | Maura Anne Rudy |
Improvements to the HGU-55/P Lightweight Helmet | E-mail request | 2005 | 258 | George Hedges |
Aircrew Endurance and Effectiveness - NACES Endurance Improvement | E-mail request | 2005 | 272 | Dr. Michelle Ransley and Eileen Loughran |
A Mathematical Simulation ofthe Human Ventilatory Response During an Altitude Chamber Physiological Training Profile | E-mail request | 2005 | 279 | Matthew B. Wolf |
Helicopter Ditching: Time of Crash and Survivability | E-mail request | 2005 | 286 | Michael Taber and John McCabe |
Development ofthe Breakaway Integrated Chin Nape Strap (BICNS) | E-mail request | 2005 | 292 | Joseph A. Pellettiere |
Whole Body Vibration Exposure for MH-60S Pilots | E-mail request | 2005 | 303 | Lt. Kristin L. Harrer |
Evaluations and Survivability of Inflatable Restraint Systems in Small Fixed Wing Aircraft | E-mail request | 2005 | 315 | Thomas Barth |
Recommendations for a Next-Generation NBC System For Tactical Vehicles Such as the Ml Abrams Main Battle Tank | E-mail request | 2005 | 323 | Wendell Lee Vittitow |
How to Survive an Airplane Ditching in the Ocean | E-mail request | 2005 | 332 | Captain Denis Murphy |
New Thought ofthe Development for China's Aviation Life-Support Industry | E-mail request | 2005 | 343 | Zhang Guang-jian |
Next-Generation Thermo-Electric Digital Time Delay Device | E-mail request | 2005 | 347 | Dave Harrington and Kenneth Hicks |
Top | ||||
44th ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM PAPERS 2006 | E-mail request | 2006 | ||
The Will To Live | E-mail request | 2006 | 1 | William W Spruance |
The Ejection Survival Technology Used for Partial High Plateau Area | E-mail request | 2006 | 5 | Fang Zhou and Su Bing-Jun |
Fixed Aircrew Seat Standardization System | E-mail request | 2006 | 12 | Shawn Day |
Water Activated Parachute Release and Liferaft Upgrades for U.S. Navy T-6AAircraft | E-mail request | 2006 | 29 | Matt Conrad |
Evaluation of a Helicopter Rescue Basket for Safe Human Carriage | E-mail request | 2006 | 39 | John A. Plaga |
Modeling of the Pressure Oscillations Observed in ACES II Mortar Cartridge Tests | E-mail request | 2006 | 45 | Steve McDonald |
ADynamic Comparison of Popular Anthropomorphic Test Devices Used During UK Fast- Jet Restraint System Development | E-mail request | 2006 | 54 | Les Neil |
Update on the USAF Mishap Investigation Process and Support | E-mail request | 2006 | 71 | Phillip (Phil) P Wyatt |
Enhanced 95%-ile Hybrid III Dummy for Aircraft Occupant Safety Assessment | E-mail request | 2006 | 79 | J. Brandse |
Determining the Correct Posture and Materials to Improve Comfort | E-mail request | 2006 | 92 | Dr. Michelle Ransley |
The Effects of a Ship Abandonment Suit on the Structural Anthropometric Dimensions of Offshore Workers | E-mail request | 2006 | 100 | Sherma Dewey MSc (Candidate) |
The Effect of Different Training Methods on Egress Performance from the Modular Egress Training Simulator | E-mail request | 2006 | 106 | John Kozey |
Advances in Virtual Reality Bailout and Ejection Parachute Simulator Training | E-mail request | 2006 | 111 | Jeffrey R. Hogue |
Lessons Learned in Testing with Seat Mounted Ejection Harnesses | E-mail request | 2006 | 121 | Jeffrey P Nichols |
Windblast Assessment of Helmet Tether Restraint for Ejection | E-mail request | 2006 | 132 | Jeffrey P Nichols |
Ejection Seat and Helmet Riser Interaction Test Methods | E-mail request | 2006 | 143 | Jeffrey P Nichols |
Development of Windblast Slam Back Test Methodology | E-mail request | 2006 | 148 | Jeffrey P Nichols |
Development of a Prototype Vertical Elongation Device for Manikin Necks for Use in Windblast Testing | E-mail request | 2006 | 152 | Jeffrey P Nichols |
Overview of Ejection Neck Injury Criteria | E-mail request | 2006 | 159 | Jeffrey P Nichols |
Eject - Eject - Eject: Injury Causes | E-mail request | 2006 | 172 | Wing Commander Matthew E. Lewis |
Helicopter Oxygen Delivery System | E-mail request | 2006 | 182 | Dan Rijjee |
Integration of Goodrich Ejection Seat Simulation and Interior Ballistics Codes and Validation with CKU-5 Catapults | E-mail request | 2006 | 202 | Sirri Oguz |
Injury Evaluation and Comparison of Lateral Impacts when using Conventional and Inflatable Restraints | E-mail request | 2006 | 212 | Tom Green and Tom Barth |
Analysis of the Dynamic Response of JSF Manikin Heads | E-mail request | 2006 | 228 | Erin Caldwell and John Plaga |
A Comparison of Cervical Stress and BMD as Related to Gender and Size During +Gz Acceleration | E-mail request | 2006 | 235 | Hilary Gallagher |
Computational Investigation of a Head-neck Restraint System for the Mitigation of Neck Injuries | E-mail request | 2006 | 254 | Zhiqing Cheng |
Maximum Arresting Force Measurement of the C-17 Shock-Absorbing Lanyard | E-mail request | 2006 | 261 | Christopher B. Albery and Deken L. Keil |
Next-Generation Helicopter Aircrew Restraint System Design | E-mail request | 2006 | 268 | Stuart Nightenhelser |
ACES Modular Ejection Seat | E-mail request | 2006 | 275 | David A. Ross |
ACES II Leg Well Leg Restraint System | E-mail request | 2006 | 285 | Captain Thomas Myers |
Thermal Insulation of the LASA Ventilated-NBC Suit During Immersion in Cold Water | E-mail request | 2006 | 292 | Michael B. Ducharme |
Heat Tolerance of Aircrew Wearing Charcoal NBC Coveralls versus the LASA VentilatedNBC Suit | E-mail request | 2006 | 301 | Michael B. Ducharme |
Development of Filter-Blower Unit for use in the Advanced Nuclear Biological Chemical Protection System (ANBCPS) Helicopter/Transport-aircraft version. | E-mail request | 2006 | 311 | Rob Sabel |
Performance Degradation of a Hotwire Electroexplosive Device Resulting From Electrical Exposure | E-mail request | 2006 | 324 | David Forman |
The Future of R.A.F. Survival Equipment | E-mail request | 2006 | 329 | Flight Lt. Andrew (Alj) Evans |
Top | ||||
Improvements In Virtual Reality Parachute Simulation Training For Ejection And Bailout | E-mail request | 2007 | Jeffrey R. Hogue | |
Correlation of Time of Useful Consciousness (TUC) with Model Predictions of SaO2 at 25 | E-mail request | 2007 | Matthew B. Wolf & Robert P. Garner | |
Improving the Retention of Skills During Training | E-mail request | 2007 | Brett R. C. Molesworth & Mark W. Wiggins | |
Anthropometric Survey of Life Support Equipment for the JASDF Pilots | E-mail request | 2007 | Hiroshi Katoh | |
Improving Force Protection: JPE Size/Fit Evaluation | E-mail request | 2007 | Bruce Bradtmiller | |
Determining the Potential of the Pulmanex hi-ox o2 Mask for Search and Rescue Missions | E-mail request | 2007 | Fethi Bouak & David J. Eaton | |
Helicopter Search and Rescue Equipment | E-mail request | 2007 | Joe Poole | |
Technology of Crew Survival in a Disabled Submarine: Liquid Breathing + Urgent Escape | E-mail request | 2007 | Andrey V. Filippenko | |
Selection of Manikin Heads and Necks for Testing | E-mail request | 2007 | John A. Plaga | |
Windblast Test Methodologies | E-mail request | 2007 | John A. Plaga | |
F-16D Inadvertent Canopy Jettison Investigation: Evaluation of the Internal T-Handles and Manually Activated Initiators | E-mail request | 2007 | Quinn Tidwell | |
The Eurofighter Typhoon Low Burden Aircrew CB (Chemical and Biological) Protection System | E-mail request | 2007 | Dr. Richard J. Holmes | |
Gender Effects in Traumatic Injury | E-mail request | 2007 | Richard A. Allnutt | |
Numerical Simulation of Ejection Seat Performance at Adverse Attitude Conditions | E-mail request | 2007 | Yu Jia & Lin Gui-Ping | |
The Design and Testing of Helicopter Rotor Blade Electro-Thermal De-icing Process Model | E-mail request | 2007 | Li Hai & Lin Gui-Ping | |
Live Water Demonstrations of Safety Equipment | E-mail request | 2007 | Chair Mr. Dan Riffee | |
Workshop - An Introduction to The Martin-Baker Mk. 16 Generation Of Ejection Seats For The T-6 | E-mail request | 2007 | Facilitators: Mr. Geoff Barnes & IPT Leads for U.S. support & JSF | |
Top | ||||
Human Vertical Impact Testing of Auto-Separation Night Vision Goggle Helmet Systems | E-mail request | 2008 | 1 | Lt. Michael D. Cote & John R. Buhrman |
Development of the Common Mobile Aircrew Restraint System (CMARS) Aircrew Integrated Recovery Survival Armor Vest and Equipment (AIRSAVE) Interface | E-mail request | 2008 | 18 | A. Sample and J. Smith |
Introducing Cold Water Exposure to the Aircraft Ditching Course | E-mail request | 2008 | 30 | R. Walker & C. J. Brooks |
The Ejection Seat Test Database: A Resource for Enabling Aircrew Safety and Survivability | E-mail request | 2008 | 58 | Kyle Keller & John Plaga |
An Augmented Reality System for Paratrooper Safety | E-mail request | 2008 | 67 | Brad R. Geltz |
UMARS Performance Testing (Universal Mobile Aircrew Restraint System) | E-mail request | 2008 | 73 | Stuart Nightenhelser |
Visual and Instructional Enhanced Ejection and Bailout Virtual Reality Parachute Simulation Training | E-mail request | 2008 | 101 | Jeffrey R. Hogue |
ACES Improvement Joint Presentation Goodrich and USAF Brooks City Base | E-mail request | 2008 | 132 | Various presenters |
Tri-Service Aircrew Systems Development Acquisition Update | E-mail request | 2008 | 166 | Barry Shender |
Tri-Service Science And Technology Programs - An Overview | E-mail request | 2008 | 167 | Barry Shender |
U.S. Air Force Anthropometry and Fit Mapping | E-mail request | 2008 | 168 | Dr. Greg Zehner |
JSF Program Update | E-mail request | 2008 | 170 | Mr. Graham Tomlinson |
Evaluation And Improvement of CAD/PAD Products | E-mail request | 2008 | 171 | Dr. Gimtong Teowee |
Live Water Demonstrations Of Safety Equipment | E-mail request | 2008 | 173 | Various presenters |
AN/URT-XX The first PLB ready for the 09/02 Cospas-Sarsat Phase-Out | E-mail request | 2008 | 175 | Mr. John Thompson |
Soldier 911 Personnel Locator Beacon Emergency Communicator - Creating Common Open System Solutions for the Defense Industry | E-mail request | 2008 | 176 | Mr. Kenneth H. Brockel |
Helicopter Crewman Restraint Release | E-mail request | 2008 | 177 | Captain Curtis Lalonde |
Underwater Blast Attenuation for Helicopter Egress Systems | E-mail request | 2008 | 178 | Mr. Matt Campbell |
Development of a New Risk Reduction Test Methodology to Emulate Parachute Opening Shock Loads | E-mail request | 2008 | 179 | Mr. Glenn Paskoff |
Modeling the Parachute Opening Shock Emulator: Virtual Prototyping Using the MADYMO Program | E-mail request | 2008 | 180 | Dr. Edwin Sieveka and Mr. Glenn Paskoff |
Extended-Wear-Automatic Bladder Relief Device Automatic Bladder Relief Device (ABRD) | E-mail request | 2008 | 181 | Ms. Jamie Walker |
Physiologic Response to Environmental Conditions During Summer Desert Helicopter In-Flight Missions | E-mail request | 2008 | 182 | Barry S. Shender |
Helicopter Passenger Suit - Airworthiness Certification German Air Force | E-mail request | 2008 | 183 | Mr. Sven Kirschning and Mr. Marcus Bolay |
Determination of the Protection Afforded by Anti-G Trousers worn over Chemical-Biological Ensembles with Anti-Exposure Protection | E-mail request | 2008 | 184 | Barry S. Shender |
Aircrew Cooling and Conditioning | E-mail request | 2008 | 185 | Mr. Frank Messer |
Latest Developments in Aircrew G-Protection | E-mail request | 2008 | 186 | Mr. Rainer Stuwe |
Ejection Test under Windblast Condition | E-mail request | 2008 | 187 | Mr. Hiroshi Yutani |
Rib-Eye - A Multi-Point | E-mail request | 2008 | 188 | Mr. James R. (Randy) Kelly |
Project Orion Rescue and Recovery: Utilizing Modern Technology While Applying Lessons Learned From Past and Current Space Programs | E-mail request | 2008 | 189 | Mr. Kenneth D. Trujillo |
Prediction of the Severity of Decompression Using Physiological Data and Mathematical Models | E-mail request | 2008 | 190 | Mr. Matthew B. Wolf |
Use of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Life Support Products | E-mail request | 2008 | 191 | Mr. Ralph Wilcox |
A Finite Element Model of the Hybrid II 50th for Aircraft Seat Certification | E-mail request | 2008 | 192 | Mr. Roel Van De Velde |
A Comparison of the Automotive and Aerospace Hybrid III Dummies under +Gz Ejection Acceleration | E-mail request | 2008 | 193 | Mr. Paul K. Parker |
FOCUS Advanced Multi-Segmented Crash Dummy Head Assembly | E-mail request | 2008 | 194 | Mr. James R. (Randy) Kelly |
An Occupant Response Simulation of a Crash Test of a Civil Helicopter | E-mail request | 2008 | 195 | Mr. Hiromitsu Miyaki |
Tactile Situation Awareness System (TSAS) | E-mail request | 2008 | 196 | Mr. David Myers |
A Tri-Service Military Anthropometric Survey | E-mail request | 2008 | 197 | Dr. Roland J. Edwards |
OMARA: Perfect Safety and Intelligibility in Extreme Noise | E-mail request | 2008 | 198 | Mr. Franois Legros and Mr. Olivier Gaches |
Top | ||||
Tri-Service (Army) Aircrew Systems Development Acquisition Update | E-mail request | 2009 | 1 | Kent Wieter |
Tri-Service (648 Aeronautical Systems Squadron) Aircrew Systems Development Acquisition Update | E-mail request | 2009 | 20 | Major Darien Hammett |
Tri-Service (Naval Aircrew Systems PMA 202) Aircrew Systems Development Acquisition Update | E-mail request | 2009 | 20 | CDR Ralph Lee |
RTOC Advanced Mission Extender Device (AMXD ) | E-mail request | 2009 | 67 | Jamie Walker |
Functional Underwear | E-mail request | 2009 | 86 | Markus Bolay |
The Circuit Design and Experiment Research of Aircraft Electronic Oxygen Regulator | E-mail request | 2009 | 106 | Yu Xiao |
Collaborative Biomechanics Data Network (CBDN) | E-mail request | 2009 | 120 | Joseph A. Pellettiere |
Aerospace Medical Research at Cami | E-mail request | 2009 | 139 | Estrella M. Forster |
Impact of New Crash Safety Requirements on Military Vehicle Design | E-mail request | 2009 | 199 | Sherri Chandra |
Study of Occupant Response in a Mine Blast Using MADYMO | E-mail request | 2009 | 212 | Anant Kendale |
Honeywell NBC Catalytic Oxidation (CATOX): Status of CATOX Technology for Collective Protection | E-mail request | 2009 | 217 | Russ Johnson |
Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS) Underseat Rocket Motor Ballistic Qualification of the IHDIV NSWC Motor Test Facility | E-mail request | 2009 | 230 | Victor Estrada |
Parachute Deployment Rocket Motor Test Fixture | E-mail request | 2009 | 253 | Juan Vilchez |
Design Development of a New Dual Impulse Cartridge for the Airborne Expendable Countermeasures Program | E-mail request | 2009 | 272 | Matthew Bolen |
Vapor Deposited Thin Film Bridge (TFB) | E-mail request | 2009 | 289 | Barney Little |
Copper (l) 5-Nitrotetrazolate (DBX-1): A Lead Azide Replacement | E-mail request | 2009 | 306 | Travis Thom |
CKU-5C/A Separation Incident Investigation | E-mail request | 2009 | 327 | Layne Peterson |
CKU-5C/A Performance Evaluation | E-mail request | 2009 | 363 | Craig Wheeler |
Indian Head Rocket Catapult Manufacturing Issues for Air Force PAD Items | E-mail request | 2009 | 389 | Rae Azorandia |
High Temperature Aging Requirements for NACES Parachute Deployment Rocket Motor (PDRM) | E-mail request | 2009 | 427 | Alex Woods |
Viewing of a Binocular Collimator Avoids Empty-Field Myopia | E-mail request | 2009 | 452 | Michael A. Crognale |
Omaras Extreme Noise Management: Immediate Increase of Users Performance and Long Term Preservation of Hearing Capability | E-mail request | 2009 | 472 | Olivier Gaches |
Predicting Pilots Risk-Taking Behaviour Through an Implicit Association Test | E-mail request | 2009 | 510 | Bret Molesworth |
Establishment of the Biodynamics Data Resource | E-mail request | 2009 | 532 | V.C. Chancey |
The Effect of Head Supported Mass on Human Response to Impact Acceleration | E-mail request | 2009 | 550 | V.C. Chancey |
Validation of a Probabilistic Parametric Finite Element Model of the Head and Neck Using Female Human Response from BDR | E-mail request | 2009 | 576 | W.L. Francis |
RCTS-003B Life Support Upgrade | E-mail request | 2009 | 594 | Tom Tavares |
Parasim VRT The Virtual Reality Trainer Controlling Life Threatening Events | E-mail request | 2009 | 600 | Bob Gates |
T-38 Escape System Upgrade Program: Anthropometric Accommodation | E-mail request | 2009 | 614 | Jeffrey A. Hudson |
Development and Qualification of the Deployable Oxygen Generation System Medium (DOGS M) | E-mail request | 2009 | 642 | Gary Byrd |
Aircraft Seat Certification Using Numerical Simulation with MADYMO HII 50th Aviation ATD | E-mail request | 2009 | 668 | Mutaz Shkoukani |
New Concept to Protect Mobile Aircrew in Impact | E-mail request | 2009 | 701 | Ken-An Lou |
Top | ||||
Ditching into the Deep MH-53E MGB Mishap Brief | E-mail request | 2010 | 1 | CDR Bill Mellen |
Aircrew Performance | E-mail request | 2010 | 24 | Lt. Col. Darien J. Hammett |
Tri-Service (Army) Aircrew Systems Development Acquisition Update | E-mail request | 2010 | 38 | LTC Ian Klinkhammer |
Warfighter Focused & Cost Conscious | E-mail request | 2010 | 49 | Captain Roger Ligon and Michael Denny |
Application of Human Systems Integration (HSI) in Safety and Flight Equipment Design | E-mail request | 2010 | 65 | John A. Plaga |
The Capability GAP (CAPGAP) Analysis ProgramPresenter | E-mail request | 2010 | 91 | Major Mike Luby |
The Development and Test of Conformal Symbology Situational Awareness Systems and Supporting Visual Tools | E-mail request | 2010 | 108 | Pete Longman |
Predicted WBGT Limits for Rotary-Wing Pilots Operating in Hot Climates | E-mail request | 2010 | 134 | J.W.R. Boyd and A.S. Weller (Presenter) |
Work Capacity Evaluation in Assessing Aeromedical Risk: A Proposal (Its all about the Brain) | E-mail request | 2010 | 150 | Lawrence W. Steinkraus |
An Overview of Canadian Helicopter Passenger Transportation Suit Systems | E-mail request | 2010 | 200 | Wendell Uglene |
Development and Implementation of the VIKING PS4049: Quick-Donning Anti-Exposure Suit | E-mail request | 2010 | 248 | Ace G. Backer |
Side-Facing Aircraft Seat Research Summary | E-mail request | 2010 | 264 | Joseph Pellettiere |
Back Pain Injury and Helicopter Crews | E-mail request | 2010 | 274 | Dick Healing |
Spinal Injury Modeling | E-mail request | 2010 | 292 | B.S. Shender |
History of Canadian Forces Search and Rescue (SAR TECHS) | E-mail request | 2010 | 322 | MWO Gavin Lee |
HQ ACC A3T0 Guardian Angel - PR/CSAR Support and Guardian Angel | E-mail request | 2010 | 349 | Major Mark Scepansky |
U.S. Coast Guard Aviation Survival Technician | E-mail request | 2010 | 364 | Dustin M. Skarra |
Underwater Cockpit Escape System Detonation Peak Pressure and Impulse Limits | E-mail request | 2010 | 379 | Philip A. Renn |
Effect of Impact Pulse Parameters on Vehicle Occupant Response: A Study for Light Rotorcraft Using the MADYMOTM Simulation Program | E-mail request | 2010 | 401 | Ed Sieveka |
The Importance of Modeling Aircraft Deformation for Safety System Design: Rotorcraft Impact Response and Occupant Survivability Using MADYMOTM | E-mail request | 2010 | 416 | Ed Sieveka |
Propellant Aging and Service Life Prediction Protocol | E-mail request | 2010 | 435 | Dr. M.G. Mangum and S. Teed |
Mirco-Data Recorders for Biomechanics and Blast Measurements | E-mail request | 2010 | 459 | Michael Beckage |
USAF Mishap Experience FY08-FY10 | E-mail request | 2010 | 505 | Mark K. Ruddell |
The USAARL Perspective on ALSE/ALSERP | E-mail request | 2010 | 569 | Lt. Col. Walters and Mr. Northcut |
JSF Light Weight Coverall Fit-Mapping: Quantitative Fit Criteria and Fit Evaluation | E-mail request | 2010 | 595 | Hyeg Joo Choi |
JSF Light Weight Coverall Fit Mapping Test: Size Tariff and Target Population | E-mail request | 2010 | 627 | Hyeg Joo Choi |
ACES 5 Raising the Bar for Ejection Safety | E-mail request | 2010 | 651 | Jim Tulloch |
MA-16 Inertia Reel Dynamic Performance Evaluation | E-mail request | 2010 | 682 | Justin Robinson |
Advantages of Utilizing Rapid Prototype Technology to Develop an NBC Respirator | E-mail request | 2010 | 693 | Rob Schaeffer |
Aircrew Helmet Retention in Ejection - The Importance of Custom Fitted Edge Roll | E-mail request | 2010 | 713 | Jacob (Coby) Brandstaetter (Lt. Col. IAF Res; MSC) |
Benefits of a Detachable Face Piece on a NBC Respirator to the War Fighter | E-mail request | 2010 | 730 | Rob Schaeffer |
Simulated Drop Testing of Soldiers & Naval Boarding Party Members Under Tactical Weight Loads | E-mail request | 2010 | 748 | Ernie Parolin and Josh Bates |
U.S. Air Force Centrifuge and Hypobaric Altitude Chambers | E-mail request | 2010 | 786 | Scott Fleming |
ATFS-400-31 and Research Altitude Chamber System for USAF 711 HPW | E-mail request | 2010 | 814 | Dick Leland |
Advanced Communications and Hearing Protection for Extreme Noise Environments | E-mail request | 2010 | 830 | Michael A. Vaudrey |
Laboratory Evaluation of Rotary-Wing Aircrew Heat Strain at Four Levels of Wet-Bulb-Globe Temperature (18 | E-mail request | 2010 | 847 | A.S. Weller |
Experiments and Simulation on On-Board Oxygen Generation System | E-mail request | 2010 | 867 | Huidan Wang |
Combat Search And Rescue That Others May Live - More Than A Motto | E-mail request | 2010 | 880 | Laura Lerdall |
GA (Guardian Angel) Weapon System Team Update | E-mail request | 2010 | 905 | Bryan Beetle Bailey |
State of the Art Tools in Accident Investigation | E-mail request | 2010 | 943 | Sami DeVries |
Eulerian Method For Droplets Impingement Calculation | E-mail request | 2010 | 965 | Shen Xiaobin |
Top | ||||
Human Systems Integration and Human Performance: A Proud Former Life Supporters Perspective for the 21st Century | E-mail request | 2011 | Major General (Dr.) Thomas W. Travis | |
Tri-Service Aircrew Systems Development Acquisition Update Air Force: Air Force Systems Development Acquisition Update | E-mail request | 2011 | Colonel Steve Gray | |
Army: Air Warrior Update and Air Soldier System Overview | E-mail request | 2011 | Mr. Kent Wieter | |
Navy: PMA202 Aircrew Systems | E-mail request | 2011 | Captain Roger Ligon | |
Dynamic Response Evaluation of Anthropometric Test Devices Subjected to Vertical Loading Conditions | E-mail request | 2011 | Joseph Pellettiere | |
An Update on Escape System Testing at the Holloman High Speed Test Track | E-mail request | 2011 | Mr. Jim Daniel | |
Micro Data Recorders and Sensors for Warrior Exposure and Product Testing Applications | E-mail request | 2011 | Mr. Michael Beckage | |
Real-world Attenuation of Foam Earplugs | E-mail request | 2011 | Dr. Adrian Smith | |
Passive Receiver Communications Nearfield (PaRCN TM) Wireless Systems | E-mail request | 2011 | John W. Parkins | |
Aviation Life Support System Overview Brief | E-mail request | 2011 | John M. Patti | |
CAD/PAD Technology 2011 CAD/PAD Technology Roadmap Update | E-mail request | 2011 | Craig Wheeler | |
DBX-1 as a Lead Azide Replacement | E-mail request | 2011 | Alexander Woods | |
Hexanitrostilbene I & II Specification Revision | E-mail request | 2011 | Alexander Woods | |
Composite Propellant Mk122 Mod 1 Parachute Deployment Rocket Motor (PDRM) Product Improve ment Project Update | E-mail request | 2011 | Craig Wheeler | |
An Update on Parachute Depolyment Rocket Motors (PDRM) Stabilizer Issues | E-mail request | 2011 | John Burchett | |
Design Eye Point vs. HUD Eye Box vs. Pilot Eye Position: A 3D Location Comparison | E-mail request | 2011 | Jeffrey A. Hudson | |
ACSS 2011: Anthropometric Survey for Mission Effective Aircrew Systems | E-mail request | 2011 | Hyeg Joo Choi | |
Seating Considerations for Space Flight: The Human to Machine Interface | E-mail request | 2011 | Mr. Dustin Gohmert | |
Load-Bearing Concepts for Dismounted Special Tactics Warfighters | E-mail request | 2011 | 2nd Lt. Amanda Hull | |
Determination of the Degradation of Multitask Performance During Exposure to 18 | E-mail request | 2011 | Barry S. Shender | |
Advances in Mask Integrity Testing | E-mail request | 2011 | Mike Serach | |
AVOX Systems Product Brief | E-mail request | 2011 | Rob Schaeffer | |
Simulation Methodology for Aircraft Escape System | E-mail request | 2011 | Huanwen Guan | |
History of the ACES Family of Seats | E-mail request | 2011 | Bob Billings | |
ACES 5 Raising the Bar for Ejection Safety Unparalleled Neck Injury Protection Performance | E-mail request | 2011 | Jim Tulloch | |
ACES 5 Ejection Seat Back Injuries During Catapult Phase | E-mail request | 2011 | Jim Tulloch | |
ACES - Enhanced Digital Recovery Sequencer Program Overview | E-mail request | 2011 | Layne Peterson | |
WB-57 Escape System Upgrade | E-mail request | 2011 | Brian Wedryk | |
Hurricane Mesa Test Facility (HMTF) | E-mail request | 2011 | Jack Reed | |
Creation of a 3-D Scan Database for Helmet Design | E-mail request | 2011 | Gregory F. Zehner | |
Method for Comparing Effects of Personal Protective Equipment on Head Mobility | E-mail request | 2011 | Joshua Hogge | |
Smart | E-mail request | 2011 | Elizabeth Meents | |
Low Profile Parachute (LPP) | E-mail request | 2011 | Mr. David McCain | |
Top | ||||
Accident Reduction Efforts in the Department of Defense | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. Joseph J. Angello | |
Briefing Tri-Service Aircrew Systems Development Acquisition Update | E-mail request | 2012 | Captain Roger Ligon | |
Briefing - AN/URT-44 406 MHz Beacon First Alert and False Alert Notification System | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. Bill Street | |
Paper/Briefing - Design | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. Michael R. Sedillo and Mr. Gregory M. Burnett | |
Paper Hypoxia Protection System - A mask mounted system for tracking Physiologic Episodes | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. David Dashevsky | |
Paper - Determination of the Time Complex Cognitive Performance Degrades During Exposure to 18 | E-mail request | 2012 | Barry S. Shender | |
Paper - Avoiding Controlled Flight into Terrain | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. Jerry Henry | |
Briefing - Full-Scale Crash Testing of Transport Rotorcraft | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. Martin S. Annett | |
Briefing EMASMAX Minimizing the Risk Following Runway Overruns | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. Mark Slimko | |
Paper A Novel Tool for Assessment of Visual Performance When Using NVD | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. Will Serle | |
Briefing Hearing Loss Prevention | E-mail request | 2012 | Ms. Shawna Graddy | |
Briefing - Ejection Back Injury Risk for an Expanded Aircrew Population | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. John Buhrman | |
Briefing - Integrated Aircrew Ensemble Status | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. Arthur D.Schwope and Mr. Carl Medeiros | |
Briefing LOX Systems for Today and Tomorrow | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. Russ Jacobsmeyer | |
Briefing Alcohol Wont Solve Your Problems (or How to Clean an Oxygen Mask) | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. Jerry Reid and Mr. Stephen Falder | |
Paper Helmet Impact Test Standards What They Tell Us About Helmet Performance and Protection | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. Paul Parker | |
Briefing - Helicopter Service-Related Back Pain and Injury | E-mail request | 2012 | Ms. B. RaNae Contarino and Hon. Richard F. Healing | |
Paper - Physiotherapy Led Typhoon Aircrew Conditioning Programme | E-mail request | 2012 | Flight Lt. Ellen Slungaard | |
Briefing - Overwater Mission Hazards: Rotary-Wing Aircrew Egress & Survival | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. Jason Leggatt | |
Paper The Design Approach to Cold Weather Clothing Systems | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. Paul Oliver | |
Paper - The New Modified 18-segment Salloum Model: A Validation Study Using Pilots with Simulated Tasks Under Different Low Ambient Temperatures | E-mail request | 2012 | Xiujuan Wang | |
Briefing - Implementation of Verification and Validation in Certification by Analysis from a Regulatory Perspective | E-mail request | 2012 | Joseph Pellettiere | |
Paper - An Update to the Dynamic Response Index (DRI) Model for Use in Assessing Seat Performance in Military Ground Vehicles | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. Robert T. Lynch | |
Paper - Respiratory Model Predicts 20 second Decompression to 45k in Subjects Using Oxygen | E-mail request | 2012 | Robert P. Garner | |
Emerging Technologies in Aerospace Transportation | E-mail request | 2012 | Melchor J. Antuano | |
Briefing Development Process of Injury Risk Curves | E-mail request | 2012 | Joseph Pellettiere | |
Paper Characteristics and Assessment of Human Vibration Exposure Aboard Military Rotary-Wing and Tilt-Rotor Aircraft | E-mail request | 2012 | Suzanne D. Smith | |
Briefing - Advancements in Life-Saving Hemorrhage Control Devices: How to Treat Bleeding that Will Not Stop | E-mail request | 2012 | John Croushorn | |
Briefing - Adapting Egress Tests to the Modern Test and Evaluation Process | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. George Ayers | |
Briefing - Experimental Design for Egress Testing | E-mail request | 2012 | Dr. Michelle S. Zeisset and Mr. George Ayers | |
Paper Development of a Modular | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. Adam Furore | |
Briefing - Guardian Angel Weapon Systems Requirements Update | E-mail request | 2012 | Mr. Bryan Bailey | |
Briefing Effects-Based Human Systems Integration | E-mail request | 2012 | Ms. Lisa Kaminsk and Major Mike Luby | |
Briefing All Weather Sense and Avoid System (AWSAS) | E-mail request | 2012 | Ms. Ranae Contarino | |
Briefing Safety Culture in High Reliability OrganizationsHon. | E-mail request | 2012 | Richard F. Healing | |
Briefing - That Others May Live Foundation Celebrating 10 Years of Supporting the USAF Rescue Family | E-mail request | 2012 | Ms. Laura Lerdall | |
Top | ||||
Discovery Channel Plane Crash | E-mail request | 2013 | Thomas H. Barth | |
Inflatable Life Rafts 5 Decades On: What Next? | E-mail request | 2013 | Mark Gruber | |
Cold Weather Clothing Systems | E-mail request | 2013 | Paul Oliver | |
JSF F-35 Pilot Cooling Unit Development & Verification Update | E-mail request | 2013 | Brendan Smith | |
ACES 5 Ejection Safety Features | E-mail request | 2013 | John Hampton | |
A Human Systems Integration Analysis of Helmet Mounted Display Safety (power point) | E-mail request | 2013 | Lt. Col. Jeff Parr & Dr. Michael E. Miller | |
A Human Systems Integration Analysis of Helmet Mounted Display Safety (paper) | E-mail request | 2013 | Lt. Col. Jeff Parr | |
Leaders Initiative: Advancing Safety by Minimizing Human Error | E-mail request | 2013 | Tim Autrey | |
Development of Lumbar Injury Tolerance Criteria | E-mail request | 2013 | Joseph A. Pellettiere | |
Probabilistic Head/Brain/Spine Pain and Injury Prediction Model to Assist Life Support Equipment Design | E-mail request | 2013 | Barry S. Shender | |
A New Method for the Analysis of Design-Induced Pilot Error on the Flight Decks (power point) | E-mail request | 2013 | Zongmin Wei | |
A New Method for the Analysis of Design-Induced Pilot Error on the Flight Decks (paper) | E-mail request | 2013 | Zongmin Wei | |
Sensors | E-mail request | 2013 | Mike Beckage | |
Reusable Energy Attenuating Lab (REAL) Seat | E-mail request | 2013 | Michael Knott | |
The Effects of Body-Borne Gear on the Risk of Spinal Injury in Helicopter Mishaps | E-mail request | 2013 | Roger Podob | |
Enhancing Safety by Challenging Human Error: A Fresh Approach | E-mail request | 2013 | Tim Autrey | |
Correlates of Continued Visual Flight Rules (VFR) Into Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) General Aviation Accidents | E-mail request | 2013 | David Ison | |
Crew Resource Management Last Chance for an Industry in Crisis | E-mail request | 2013 | Randy Mains | |
Closed Circuit Emergency Respirators Technology and Regulatory Compliance | E-mail request | 2013 | Russ Jacobsmeyer | |
Reinforced Vest for Aviation Maintainers | E-mail request | 2013 | Sharon Joines | |
Recent Advances in Making the Warfighter Safer in Extreme Noise | E-mail request | 2013 | Jeff Hammel & Michael Goforth | |
Future Noise Protection Technologies for Military Aircrew | E-mail request | 2013 | Susan Soo James | |
Colour Display Night Vision Goggles Human Vision Implications for System Design | E-mail request | 2013 | Eric Liggins | |
Influening Procurement of Powered Hand Tools to Improve Safety and Productivity While Eliminating HAVS | E-mail request | 2013 | Mark Geiger & John M. Ster | |
Reducing Vibration and Repetitive Impact Exposure in DoD Vehicles | E-mail request | 2013 | Elliot Salmon | |
Project Bloodhound: Surviving 1000 Mph at Ground Level | E-mail request | 2014 | Wing Commander Andy Green | |
Aircraft Seat Belt Tensioner | E-mail request | 2014 | Brian Harvey | |
Excessive Boarding Mass - What is the Problem and can it be Solved? A U.K. Military Perspective | E-mail request | 2014 | Les Neil | |
Effect of Body-Borne Gear on the Risk of Spinal Injury in Helicopter Mishaps | E-mail request | 2014 | Roger Podob | |
Dynamic Test Repeatability | E-mail request | 2014 | Chris McDaniel and Matthew Stone | |
Temperature Effects on ATD Necks | E-mail request | 2014 | Chris McDaniel and Maurissa Wortham | |
Development and Application of a Large Scale High-Dynamic Centrifuge for Aviation Life-support Equipment | E-mail request | 2014 | Shen Wen-bo | |
Earplug Pressure Equalization During Flight | E-mail request | 2014 | Kristen Talcott | |
Oxygen Mask Comfort Improvement - Enhancing Mission Endurance | E-mail request | 2014 | Paul J. Ninefleldt and Mike Stump | |
You Think You’ve Adjusted Your NVGs Correctly? In Service NVG Adjustment by UK Helicopter Aircrew | E-mail request | 2014 | David Bigmore | |
Upgrading the Head-to-Helmet Interface of the Apache Attack Helicopter - Improving Helmet’s Retention in Crash Situation | E-mail request | 2014 | Jacob Brandstaetter | |
Accommodating the 21st Century Pilot: The Human Factor in Ejection Seat Restraint | E-mail request | 2014 | Pete Marston and Paul Adams | |
Ejection Success Prediction Based on Historical Data | E-mail request | 2014 | Mark Elson | |
NACES Weight Extension Trade Study | E-mail request | 2014 | Mark Elson and Matt Conrad | |
PMA202 Aircrew Systems Brief | E-mail request | 2014 | Captain Nora Burghardt USN | |
U.S. Army Rapid Equipping Force | E-mail request | 2014 | SGM Jose Quinones | |
Advances in Helicopter Passenger Suit Systems | E-mail request | 2014 | Elizabeth Brown | |
Rapid Response to Safety | E-mail request | 2014 | Stephen Slater | |
JSF F-35 Pilot Cooling Unit Development and Verification Update | E-mail request | 2014 | Randy Epperly | |
Predicting Hypoxia-induced Physiologic and Cognitive Impairment | E-mail request | 2014 | Barry S. Shender | |
NAVAIR Human Systems Digital Human Modeling Project Update | E-mail request | 2014 | Lori Brattin | |
The Research on Pilot’s Clothing Thermal Comfort with Coverage Factor by Using Thermal Manikin | E-mail request | 2014 | Xiujuan Wang | |
Analysis of Planetary Extra-Vehicular Activity Requirements During a 120 Day Manned Mars Simulation | E-mail request | 2014 | Tiffany M. Swarmer | |
Communications Test Solutions | E-mail request | 2014 | Bernie Oder | |
Partnership for Success - Dedicated to Thinking Safety | E-mail request | 2014 | Stefan Andres and Thomas Wolf | |
Dying for a Drink! | E-mail request | 2014 | Jon Grant | |
Improving the Safety of Carrier Landings: Maritime Augmented Guidance with Integrated Controls for Carrier Approach and Recovery Precision Enabling Technologies (MAGIC CARPET) | E-mail request | 2014 | Dr. Heather Priest Walker | |
Safety Implications for Live | E-mail request | 2014 | Katherine Kaste and Melissa Walwanis | |
Training Naval Aviators to Recognize Hypoxia Symptoms: Advancing Technologies to Address a Continued Safety Threat | E-mail request | 2014 | LCDR William T. Scheeler | |
Relationship between Helicopter Rotor Tuning and Physiological Stress | E-mail request | 2014 | Heather E. Wright-Beatty | |
Physiological Evidence for Anthropometric Considerations in the Use of Vibration Mitigation Cushions | E-mail request | 2014 | Jocelyn M. Keillor | |
Dynamic Characterization of Patient Immobilization and Vibration Mitigation Systems during Simulated Transport: Manikin Validation | E-mail request | 2014 | Rachel Kinsler | |
Changes in the Hoffman Reflex at Different Head Positions as an Indicator of Acute Nerve Root Compression Under Simulated Military Head Support Mass Conditions | E-mail request | 2014 | Bethany L. Shivers | |
Your Body in Flight During World War II | E-mail request | 2014 | Jay B. Dean | |
ACES II Ejection History and Injury Risk | E-mail request | 2014 | Mark Ruddell | |
Testing CBRN Protection AEA | E-mail request | 2014 | C. Berglund and J. Sjostrand | |
Integrated Aircrew Ensemble | E-mail request | 2014 | Charlie Dean | |
Integration Challenges and Solutions - CBRN Defense-Respiratory Equipment in Modern Fixed Wing Military Aircraft | E-mail request | 2014 | Robert W. Lingo III | |
Dynamic Responses of Head | E-mail request | 2014 | James W. Brinkley and Stephan E. Mosher | |
The Application of Active Real-time Velocity Window Control System for Ejection Escape System in Rocket Sled Test | E-mail request | 2014 | Gong Minsheng | |
An Adaptive Control Method for Escape Path Clearing System Based on Risk Evaluation | E-mail request | 2014 | Zhou Fang | |
A Study of Protection Provided by General Aviation Oxygen Masks with Open Ambient Ports in Toxic Environments | E-mail request | 2014 | Lawrence N. Paskoff | |
Mission Oxygen Supply System (MOSS) - Development and Integration | E-mail request | 2014 | Martin Pfefferkorn | |
Proceedings - 2015 | ||||
B-1B Ejection Experience | E-mail request | 2015 |
Major Frank A. Biancardi, II |
The Navy Disorientation Research Device: Advanced Capability in Human Orientation Research | E-mail request | 2015 | CDR Richard Folga and Dr. Bill Albery | |
Challenges Facing the Parachute Descent Procedure Training & Desired Technological Advances for Training Systems | E-mail request | 2015 | CDR Sean Lando, LCDR. W. Tyler Scheeler, Beth F. Wheeler Atkinson, and Alyssa Mercado |
A Review of the State-of-the-Practice & the State-of-the-Art Training Solutions for Training Naval Aviators to Recognize Hypoxia Symptoms | E-mail request | 2015 | CDR Sean Lando, LCDR. W. Tyler Scheeler, Beth F. Wheeler Atkinson, and Mitchell J. Tindal | |
Hybrid III Manikin Lumbar Spine Response to Vertical Impacts with Ejection Seat Cushions | E-mail request | 2015 | Glenn Thomas and Chris Albery | |
Comparison of How RAF LPU Stole Design Affects Flotation | E-mail request | 2015 | Lt. Col. Miranda Hancock USAF, Sgt. R. Hipkins RAF, and Lt. Col.Michael Harrigan RAMC | |
Aircrew Equipment Assemblies Test & Integrations Procedures | E-mail request | 2015 | Lt. Col. Michael Harrigan RAMC | |
Brief History of Life Preservers Used by UK Military Forces | E-mail request | 2015 | Dr. Michael J.A. Trudgill | |
Periscope Operator Adaptive Trainer: Improving Skills for Ship Safety |
E-mail request | 2015 | Alyssa Mercado, M.S. and Wendi Van Buskirk, Ph.D. |
Speech and Language Processing in Navy Training (Technical Paper) | E-mail request | 2015 | Lisa Ouakil and Hamid Ouakil | |
Augmented Reality (AR) for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Common Control System (CCS) Operators: Training Transition (TT) | E-mail request | 2015 | Rebecca Yelverton, M.S., Marc-Andre Prince, B.S., Rosemary Garris, M.S., Kenneth Hadden, M.S., and Laticia Bowens, Ph.D. | |
Alternate HTPB Material Feasibility Project | E-mail request | 2015 | David Russell | |
Energetic Obsolescence Risks | E-mail request | 2015 | Alexander Woods | |
Development of a Printed Chemical Delay | E-mail request | 2015 | Andrew C. Ihnen, Jonathan T. Essel, and David G. Turnbaugh | |
Backstyle Actuated Parachute (BA-X) Replacement Effort |
E-mail request | 2015 | 2nd Lt. Andrew Beard and Joe Koos | |
Life-Support Radio Testing 3515LSR | E-mail request | 2015 | Sam Strang | |
MEOSAR and the Future of Aviation Search & Rescue | E-mail request | 2015 | Steve Waters | |
A Decision Support Tool and Methods Set for Minimizing Unintended Consequences | E-mail request | 2015 | Kelly Neville, Ph.D., Katherine P. Tucker, M.S., Steel Templin, Melissa Walwanis, M.S., and Amy Bolton, Ph.D. | |
Safety Philosophy of the StratEx Program | E-mail request | 2015 | Grant A. Anderson, P.E. | |
Air ASW, Assault & Special Mission Programs | E-mail request | 2015 | Rear Admiral “CJ” Jaynes | |
Human Systems Division Overview | E-mail request | 2015 | Regina Bridges and Robin Melvin | |
CAD/PAD JPO Initiatives for Continued Availability and Quality | E-mail request | 2015 | Glenn Campbell | |
Florida Procurement Technical Assistance Program | E-mail request | 2015 | Frank Germonto | |
Export Control Reform (ECR) Update and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) | E-mail request | 2015 | Laura Kraus | |
2015 CAD/PAD Technology Roadmap Update | E-mail request | 2015 | John Burchett | |
Mk 122 Mod 1 Parachute Deployment Rocket Motor | E-mail request | 2015 | John L. Goodwin | |
T-6 Canopy FLSC and MDC Damage | E-mail request | 2015 | Larry Kramer | |
USAF Helmet Mounted Displays: Design, Fielding, Capabilities and Human Systems Interface Challenges | E-mail request | 2015 | James M. Barnaba |
Cold Weather Aviation System | E-mail request | 2015 | Chris Tobin and Don Fleury | |
An Examination Protocol and Classification Tool to Identify the Cause of Damage to Textile Items | E-mail request | 2015 | Wendy Todd and Bruce Pregger | |
Ejection Tower Testing in Support of Kinematic Model Refinement | E-mail request | 2015 | Brandon Hall | |
Development of a Thoracolumbar Spinal Injury Criterion for Ejection – A Collation of Existing In-Service Data | E-mail request | 2015 | Paul Parker |
Ejection Neck Injury Risk with NVG/HMD Devices |
E-mail request | 2015 | Mark Ruddell, Marty Andries, Bob Billings, and Jim Tulloch | |
Fidelity of the MADYMO Facet Pedestrian Model for Simulation of Underbody Blast Events | E-mail request | 2015 | E.M. Spratley, Ph.D., K. Rawska, MS, T. Kim, Ph.D., and R.S. Salzar, Ph.D. | |
Physical Protection for Pilots in NBC Contaminated Environments | E-mail request | 2015 | Stefan Andres | |
Current Hearing Protection Used in Naval Aviation & The Need for In-Ear Dosimetry | E-mail request | 2015 | LCDR Andrew M. Hayes |
The Past, Present, and Future of Aircrew Helmets | E-mail request | 2015 | Mark Jones, Dustin Levy, and Mike Stump | |
Noise Attenuation of Vented and Non-Vented Earplugs: Evidence in Support of Elimination of the Venting Requirement for Earplugs Used in Fixed Wing Flight | E-mail request | 2015 | Kristen Talcott, Ph.D., and Kristen Semrud | |
The Aging of Pyrotechnic Compositions Containing Boron | E-mail request | 2015 | Larry Barr | |
Non-Destructive Defect Screening Technology for Oxygen Breathing Apparatus (OBA) Canisters | E-mail request | 2015 | Atul Gokhale, Ph.D., and Blaise Kislan | |
Support to Break the Cycle: Empowering First Responders to Help Victims and Offenders | E-mail request | 2015 | Dr. Shawn Stafford, Captain Jim McCauliff, and Dr. Adams Greenwood-Erikicson | |
Characterization of Helo-Hunch | E-mail request | 2015 | Anna Murphy | |
Passenger Seat and Modified ATD Performance During TRACT 1 Test | E-mail request | 2015 | Joseph Pellettiere, Ph.D | |
Investigating the Rate Sensitivity of H-60 Troop Seat Energy Absorbers to Decelerative Impact | E-mail request | 2015 | Robert Willis, and Katie Miller | |
PMA202 Aircrew Systems | E-mail request | 2015 | Captain Nora Burghardt, USN | |
Human Systems Division Overview | E-mail request | 2015 | Col. William B. (Chip) Mosle | |
Trends in Failure Investigations in CAD/PAD Devices | E-mail request | 2015 | Rae Azorandia | |
ACES II Harness Release System Failure Investigation | E-mail request | 2015 | Allen Hancey |
CAD/PAD JPO Mishap Investigation Support Team (MIST) | E-mail request | 2015 | John Messina | |
Quick Look Limited Scope Evaluation of a Static Fall Protection System for the MV-22 Tiltrotor | E-mail request | 2015 | Ryan Blondino and Lauren Jones | |
Fall Protection Overview: USN/USMC Aviation Maintenance Challenges | E-mail request | 2015 | Greg Kennedy | |
Industrial Human Augmentation System for Potential USN/USMC Maintenance Injury Prevention and Performance Enhancement | E-mail request | 2015 | Greg Kennedy | |
Injury Data Overview as Related to United States Navy and United States Marine Corps Aviation (Technical Paper) | E-mail request | 2015 | Brandy Mobley | |
Injury Data Overview as Related to USN and USMC Aviation (Power Point Slides) | E-mail request | 2015 | Brandy Mobley | |
Proceedings - 2016 | ||||
AFRL Developing Technology for Warfighter Safety | E-mail request | 2016 | Maj. Gen. Robert D. McMurry | |
Tri-Services Science & Technology Overview: US Army Perspective | E-mail request | 2016 | John S. Crowley M.D. | |
711 HPW Overview | E-mail request | 2016 | Rajesh Naik | |
NAVAIR Human Systems Department (AIR 4.6) Science and Technology Overview | E-mail request | 2016 | Dr. Barry S. Shender | |
Corrosion Investigation in Man-Rated Percussion Ignition Devices | E-mail request | 2016 | Justin R. Gamble | |
CAD/PAD Failures: Common Root Causes and Current/Future Mitigation Strategy | E-mail request | 2016 | Jon Kilikewich | |
USN/USMC CAD/PAD Aircraft Mishap Investigations | E-mail request | 2016 | Frank Lange | |
CAD/PAD Mishap Investigation Support Team | E-mail request | 2016 | John Messina | |
Next Generation Aircrew Protective Ensemble | E-mail request | 2016 | Captain Ryan Thompson | |
Pain Determines Endurance During Long Helicoper Flights With Modern MOPP Ensembles | E-mail request | 2016 | Arthur Estrada, Ph.D. | |
Joint Biological Agent Decontamination System (JBADS) | E-mail request | 2016 | Lt.Col. William Holl | |
B-2A Advanced Concept Ejection Seat II Safety & Sustainability Improvement Program (B-2A ACES II SSIP) | E-mail request | 2016 | James Elgersma | |
Biodynamic Assessment of Pilot Knee-Board Configurations During Simulated T-38 Catapult Acceleration | E-mail request | 2016 | Chris E. Perry, Chris Burneka, and Chris Albery | |
Dynamic Shock Tests of the ACES II Ejection Seat and Personnel Locator Beacon to Assess Mode Selector Switch Failure | E-mail request | 2016 | Chris E. Perry, Ben Steinhauer, Chris Burneka, and Chris Albery | |
Benefits of Using Alternative Methods to NRR When Describing the Effectiveness of Hearing Protection Devices | E-mail request | 2016 | Nourhan Abouzahra, and Hillary Gallagher | |
Understanding the Level of Protection a Hearing Protector can Provide Using an Acoustic Test Fixture to Measure the Noise Attenuation Performance | E-mail request | 2016 | Hilary Gallagher, Billy Swayne, and Nourhan Abouzahra | |
Estimating Aircrew Noise Exposure During a Multi-Segment Flight | E-mail request | 2016 | Dan Gross | |
Aircrew Integrated Monitoring Solution (AIMS) | E-mail request | 2016 | Aaron Rood | |
Applicability of Commercially Available Sensors for Volatile Detection in the Aerospace Environment | E-mail request | 2016 | Grant M. Slusher, MS | |
New Bulletproof Plastic for Next-Level Light Weight Ballistics Protection | E-mail request | 2016 | Boyd Bucher and Jason Henkel | |
USAF Integrated Aircrew Ensemble - Update | E-mail request | 2016 | Boyd Bucher and Arthur Schwope | |
SARLINK - 3 Functions, 1 Device - Alerting/Communications/Tracking | E-mail request | 2016 | Paul Steward and Christina Belmonte | |
CAD/PAD Technology Development Projects Overview | E-mail request | 2016 | Magdy Bichay | |
Demonstration of DBX-1 as an Alternative to RD-1333 Lead Azide | E-mail request | 2016 | Soleimar Hernandez | |
Modernization of the NSWC IHEODTD CADPROG Ballistic Computer Simulation Program | E-mail request | 2016 | Fred Silverman, Ted Witkamp, and David Sorochty | |
EC-10 Propellant | E-mail request | 2016 | David Sorochty | |
Integrated Solutions for Maintaining Situational Awareness in Extreme Noise Environments | E-mail request | 2016 | Rose Rhomberg and Michelle Collier | |
Performance Assessment of an Adaptive Digital Active Noise Reduction Aircrew Headset with Integrated Communications Noise Stripping | E-mail request | 2016 | Soo James | |
Emergency Readiness and Response Solutions | E-mail request | 2016 | Steve Waters | |
Field Monitoring of OBOGS Breathing Gas Quality | E-mail request | 2016 | Kelly Leimkuhler and Dennis Gordge | |
A Carbon Monoxide Oxidizing Catalyst for Navy OBOGS Equipped Aircraft | E-mail request | 2016 | Ian MacIntire and Dennis Gordge | |
USAF On-Board Oxygen Generating System (OBOGS) Laboratory | E-mail request | 2016 | George Miller | |
Compatibility Between Night Vision Goggles and Light Emitting Diodes in Ground Obstruction Lighting | E-mail request | 2016 | Dave Bigmore | |
Overcoming In-Flight Bore-Sight Alignment Loss in Apache Attack Helicopters | E-mail request | 2016 | Jacob (Coby) Brandstaetter | |
Nuclear Flash Blindness Protection Program | E-mail request | 2016 | Rebecca Rothstein | |
Air Force Safety: The Next Generation | E-mail request | 2016 | Major General Andrew M. Mueller | |
The Legacy of Aircrew Life Support R&D at Wright-Patterson AFB | E-mail request | 2016 | Dr. Bill Albery, Jim Brinkley, Bob Billings, and Dr. Rick Allnutt | |
Armstrong and Lovelace: Early Aeromedical Physicians In Operational Research | E-mail request | 2016 | Dr. Rick Allnutt | |
History of the ACES II Ejection Seat | E-mail request | 2016 | Bob Billings | |
Early Biodynamic Research for Emergency Escape Systems and Spacecraft Designs | E-mail request | 2016 | James W. Brinkley | |
Overview of the Transport Rotorcraft Airframe Crash Testbed (TRACT) Full Scale Crash Tests | E-mail request | 2016 | Martin Annett | |
Overview of the Transport Rotorcraft Airframe Crash Testbed (TRACT) Full-Scale Crash Tests | E-mail request | 2016 | Lindley W. Bark | |
Technical Textiles in Aviation Safety | E-mail request | 2016 | Deepak Duggal | |
Service Life Extension Discussion – Parachutes | E-mail request | 2016 | David Halgren | |
Performing Failure Analysis Testing on the Outer Restraint Layer Comprising the ATAGS | E-mail request | 2016 | Christopher Noatch | |
NAVAIR Human Systems Dynamic Test & Modeling | E-mail request | 2016 | John Daley | |
Mechanical Operation and Characterization of the Vertical Acceleration Tower (VAT) | E-mail request | 2016 | Patrick R. Fonda, Troy A. Bowman, Ardyn Olszko, Vince Fralish, and B. Joseph McEntire | |
Full-Scale Aging and Surveillance Test of B-2 Hatch Severance Assemblies | E-mail request | 2016 | Kurt Erickson | |
U-2 Rocket Catapult Mechanistic Aging and Surveillance Testing | E-mail request | 2016 | Travis Thom | |
Ordnance Assessment (OA) & Surveillance | E-mail request | 2016 | Jeffrey Watts | |
Addressing Communication Training to Increase Aircrew Safety | E-mail request | 2016 | John Killilea, Beth F. Wheeler Atkinson, and Chris Stubbs | |
Research Summary for En Route Care Simulation and Training Research | E-mail request | 2016 | Tiffany Losekamp, RN, MSN, CNE, CHSE, Major Daniel Bevington, BSN, RN, Lt. Col.Christine Novak, MSN, RN, and Major Stuart Bertsch, M.D. | |
A State-of-the-Practice of Workload Measures in Applied Settings | E-mail request | 2016 | John P. Killilea, Lt. Joseph E. Mercado, Dr. Mitchell J. Tindall, and Beth F. Wheeler Atkinson | |
NAVAIR Human Systems Department Innovital Systems | E-mail request | 2016 | William Glass and Dr. Gregory Hiemenz | |
Evaluation of Military Ground Vehicle Dynamic Exposure Ride Signatures via Severity Category Classification | E-mail request | 2016 | Adrienne Madison, Ph.D., Charles A. Weisenbach, Bethany Shivers, Ph. D., Tyler Rooks, Vince Fralish, Daniel B. Dorman, Bradley Bumgardner, and Valeta Carol Chancey | |
Physiological Indicators of Lower Neck Strain with Reduced Levels of Vibration and a Novel Vibration Mitigating Cushion | E-mail request | 2016 | Heather Wright-Beatty, Andrew Law, Russell Thomas, and Viresh Wickramasinghe | |
PMA202 Aircrew Systems Aviation Textile Capability Needs | E-mail request | 2016 | Tara Capecci | |
Aviation Textiles - What the AF Needs | E-mail request | 2016 | Catherine Leahy | |
Revolutionary Fibers and Textiles Manufacturing Innovation Institute | E-mail request | 2016 | Stephen Luckowski and Carole Winterhalter | |
Textile Flammability Basics | E-mail request | 2016 | Celia Powell | |
Advanced Simulation of ACES II Ejection Seat Terrain Clearance | E-mail request | 2016 | Kassidy Carson, Clif Webster, and Dick Baldwin | |
Ejection Seat Harness Comparison Study: -Gx Manikin Analysis | E-mail request | 2016 | Chris E. Perry, John R. Buhrman, Chris Burneka, and Ben Steinhauer | |
Ejection Head Injury Risk | E-mail request | 2016 | Jim Tulloch and Kassidy Carson | |
Evidence and Rationale for Fielding of Custom Earplugs and Transition of Digital Ear Canal Capture Technology | E-mail request | 2016 | Kristen Semrud | |
Acoustic Metamaterial Aural Protection (AMAP) Improved Hearing Protection Utilizing Acoustic Metamaterials | E-mail request | 2016 | Bradley Yost, Ryan Anderson, Matthew Stone, and Tiffany Lei | |
Earplug Insertion Depth Effects on Double Hearing Protection | E-mail request | 2016 | Matthew Stone | |
Developing a Taxonomy for Standardizing Training and Operational Reports of Hypoxia Symptomology and Behaviors | E-mail request | 2016 | Lt. Rolanda Findlay, Dr. Mitch Tindall, Nelson Lerma, and Beth F. Wheeler Atkinson | |
Prediction and Detection of Impaired Cognitive Capacity Through Real-time Physiologic Monitoring of Military Aircrew | E-mail request | 2016 | Dr. Barry S. Shender, Rachel Hawks, Phillip Whitley, and Leon Hrebien | |
Understanding the Fidelity of Mask-on Hypoxia Training Systems | E-mail request | 2016 | Dr. Mitchell J.Tindall, LCDR Daniel Immeker, Beth F. Wheeler Atkinson, and CDR William T. Scheeler | |
Quantifying C-130 Vibration Patterns of Patients During Military Aeromedical Evacuation |
E-mail request | 2016 | Suzanne D. Smith, Ph.D., David Burch, Ph.D., Brittany Fouts, and Lt. Col. Tracey Sapp | |
Aviation-Specific Head-Supported Mass Research at USAARL: Past, Present, and Future | E-mail request | 2016 | Adrienne Madison, Ph.D., Bethany Shivers, Veleta Carol Chancey, and B. Joseph McEntire | |
Aircrew Vibration Exposure Assessment During Operation of the HH-60M Medevac Helicopter | E-mail request | 2016 | Suzanne D. Smith, Ph.D., Steven G. Chervak, and Benjamin C. Steinhauer | |
Lessons Learned From Two Stratospheric Supersonic Freefall Flight Test Programs | E-mail request | 2016 | Jonathan B. Clark M.D., M.P.H. | |
USN/USMC Aircrew Systems PMA202 Overview | E-mail request | 2016 | Captain Dave Padula | |
Human Systems Division | E-mail request | 2016 | Colonel William "Chip" Mosle | |
Product Manager Air Warrior Update to the 2016 SAFE Symposium | E-mail request | 2016 | Major Nicholas P. Yerby | |
Comparative Stability Assessment of an Experimental Helmet System | E-mail request | 2016 | Patrick Estep, M.S., Adrienne Madison, Ph.D., Andrea Dargie, B.S., Reid Holderfield, B.S., Brian Novotny, M.S., Tyler Rooks, M.S., Bethany Shivers, Ph.D. Valeta Carol Chancey, Ph.D. | |
Toward Standardization: Headforms and Reference Coordinate Systems in Helmet Mass Properties Measurements | E-mail request | 2016 | B. Joseph McEntire, SGT Kyle Rybarczyk, John Wursbach, Austin Stieglitz, and Valeta Carol Chancey, Ph.D. | |
Preliminary Head/Neck Kinematics Assessment During Load Effects Assessment Program - Army (LEAP-A) Course Navigation | E-mail request | 2016 | Bethany L. Shivers, Ph.D., Reid Holderfield, B.S., Adrienne Madison, Ph.D., B. Joseph McEntire, M.S., and Valeta Carol Chancey, Ph.D. | |
CAD/PAD Propellant Manufacturing Lessons Learned and Best Practices | E-mail request | 2016 | James L. Baglini, Sr. | |
CAD/PAD JPO Initiatives for Continued Availability and Quality | E-mail request | 2016 | Glenn Campbell | |
NSWC IHEODTD Flexible Manufacturing Capability | E-mail request | 2016 | Patrick Greer, Ph.D. | |
Energetics Obsolescence Update 2016 | E-mail request | 2016 | Alexander Woods | |
Human Systems Division Safe to Fly Efforts | E-mail request | 2016 | Nicholas Haynes | |
Development of an Industry Standard for Human Systems Integration (HSI) | E-mail request | 2016 | Stephen C. Merriman | |
Human Systems Integration and Influencing System Sustainment for Affordable, Safe Solutions | E-mail request | 2016 | Sarah Orr | |
Hazardous Emissions from Partially Combusted Aircraft Fluids and Composites | E-mail request | 2016 | Christin Grabinski, Ph.D., Megan Steele, Laura Flory, TSgt. Jackson, Darrin Ott, Ph.D. | |
In-flight Testing of High-performance Aircraft Pilot Breathing Air Quality Via a Real-time Air Quality Sensor (RTAQS) Suite | E-mail request | 2016 | Jennifer A. Martin, Grant M. Slusher, Brian Geier, Jae Kwak, Kathy Fullerton, Claude C. Grigsby, and Darrin K. Ott | |
Using Action Research to Comprehensively Address Safety During System Requirements Analysis and Specification | E-mail request | 2016 | Kelly Neville, Sarah Sherwood, John Mooney, Derek Ashlock, A.L.M.,Thom McLean, Alyssa Mercado, Melissa Walwanis, and Amy Bolton | |
A Preliminary Analysis of High- Stakes Decision-Making for Crisis Leadership | E-mail request | 2016 | Terry Oroszi, M.S., Ed.D. | |
Individual Differences in Intuition & Implicit Learning | E-mail request | 2016 | Natalie Steinhauser | |
Effects of Fatigue, 100%-Oxygen Respiration, and Immobility in Pilots Completing Long Missions in a Full Pressure Suit | E-mail request | 2016 | Jeremy Beer, Ph.D. | |
The Disorientation Research Device: First Steps Toward Operational Capability | E-mail request | 2016 | Captain Rich Folga | |
U.S. Air Force Centrifuge and Hypobaric Altitude Chambers | E-mail request | 2016 | Scott Fleming | |
A Review of USAF Aerospace Physiology Training | E-mail request | 2016 | Lt. Col. Michael Luby | |
ANSUR vs. ANSUR 2: What's Different and What's the Same | E-mail request | 2016 | Bruce Bradtmiller, Ph.D. | |
NAVAIR 4.6 Human Systems Digital Human Modeling Project | E-mail request | 2016 | Lori Brattin, Paul Teas, Carla Mattingly, Lauren Jones, Michelle Warren, Barry S. Shender, Ph.D. | |
Examination of Crew Seat Lumbar Support | E-mail request | 2016 | Brandon Hall | |
Occupant Response and Dynamic Overshoot In Crashworthy Seating Systems | E-mail request | 2016 | Michael Knott | |
Evaluation of Aerospace Seat Belt Webbing Material Under Dynamic Test Conditions | E-mail request | 2016 | Joseph Pellettiere | |
Evaluation of Mid-Size Male Hybrid III Models for Use in Spaceflight Occupant Protection Analysis | E-mail request | 2016 | J. Putnam, J. Somers, J. Wells, N. Newby, N. Currie Gregg, and C. Lawrence | |
Comparison of Human and Manikin – Gx Neck Loading with JSF Neck Injury Criteria (NIC) | E-mail request | 2016 | John R. Buhrman | |
Development of a Fast Running Tool for Probabilistic Injury Modeling | E-mail request | 2016 | Jessica Coogan, Ph.D., Dan Nicolella, Ph.D., Barry S. Shender, Ph.D., and Glenn Paskoff, M.S. | |
Biodynamic Injury Research: Present and Future Relevance in Force Protection | E-mail request | 2016 | Casey W. Pirnstill, Ph.D., John R. Buhrman, Chris E. Perry, and Elyse Patrick | |
Acute Mild Hypoxia and Flight Performance Deficits Below 3,658 m (12,000 ft) | E-mail request | 2016 | Fethi Bouak, Ph.D., Bob Cheung, Ph.D. ,Oshin Vartanian, Ph.D., and Kevin Hofer, MS | |
Effects of Low Frequency Sound on Aircrew | E-mail request | 2016 | Christine Brown and Kristen Semrud | |
A Validation Study of Hypoxia Detection Using a Monte-Carlo Simulation | E-mail request | 2016 | LCDR Chris Foster, Ph.D., and LCDR Peter B. Walker, Ph.D. | |
Title | E-mail request | year | Page | Author(s) |
Aircraft Seating Boarding Mass Investigations: A Collation of Data Relating to Helicopter Impact Scenarios | E-mail request | 2017 | Parker- Paul | |
Aircraft Seating Boarding Mass Investigations: Understanding the Implications of Exceeding Design and Qualification Limits | E-mail request | 2017 | Butcher- Richard | |
Unleashing the Kraken: Safety Certification and Man-Rating of the Disorientation Research Device (DRD) | E-mail request | 2017 | CAPT Folga- Richard- Dr. Albery- William- and Dr. Le- Peter | |
Evaluation of Ejection Seat Risk Factors During Vertical Impact | E-mail request | 2017 | Buhrman- John | |
Ejection Seat Harness Comparison Study: Phase I Vertical Impact Tests with Manikins | E-mail request | 2017 | Chris Perry | |
Earlier Detection of of Hypoxia with Parasympathetic Monitoring | E-mail request | 2017 | Colombo- J | |
Pilot's Breath Air Monitor - Hypoxia Early Warning System | E-mail request | 2017 | Hakola- Sami | |
Development of a Human Vision Test System | E-mail request | 2017 | Carlisle- Adam | |
Electronic Depth Acuity Test for Aircrew | E-mail request | 2017 | Hopper- Darrel- Ph.D. | |
AFRL Alternative Night/Day Imaging Technologies (ANIT) Program | E-mail request | 2017 | Hopper- Darrel- Ph.D. | |
System Safety - Risk Assessments and Their Role in Service Life Extensions | E-mail request | 2017 | Azorandia- Rae | |
2017 CAD/PAD Technology Roadmap | E-mail request | 2017 | Woods- Alex | |
Detonating Cord Assembly (DCA) Second Source Project Overview | E-mail request | 2017 | Blachowski- Thomas | |
Applicability of Finite Element Model in Covering Hybrid III ATD Configuration Variability | E-mail request | 2017 | Putnam- Jacob | |
Fast Running Finite Element (FE) Model Development and Validation of the Hybrid III 50th Aerospace Manikin Using the Horizontal Impulse Accelerator (HIA) and Vertical Deceleration Tower (VDT) | E-mail request | 2017 | Pirnstill- Casey | |
Effect of Inlet Air Pressure Transients on On-Board Oxygen Generating Systems (OBOGS) | E-mail request | 2017 | Miller- George | |
Solid Oxygen Systems | E-mail request | 2017 | Pavlik- Thomas | |
GC/MS Spectrum Characterization of OBOGS Breathing Gas Samples | E-mail request | 2017 | Pack- Matthew | |
DEVS: Enabling the Digital Battlefield with Extended Spectrum Capability | E-mail request | 2017 | Straub- Joe | |
Objective and Subjective Measures of White and Green High Performance Image Intensifier Tubes as Potential NVG Upgrade | E-mail request | 2017 | Ellis- Sharon | |
Parachute Packing is Art and Science at its Best! Or is it? | E-mail request | 2017 | Poe III- Edgar "Ted" | |
Service Life Investigation and Repair Improvements for B-52 Drag Parachutes | E-mail request | 2017 | Wagner- Caleb | |
The FAILSAFE Team's Training for Intermediate-Level Maintenance Organizations in the Navy and Marine Corps: A New Approach to Training Fleet Maintainers | E-mail request | 2017 | LCDR Lippert- Amanda | |
3D Printing- the Future of Cost Effective Biomechanical Testing | E-mail request | 2017 | Franceskides- Constantinos | |
Development of a Novel Data Collection Suite for Modeling Parachute Landing Falls | E-mail request | 2017 | Bar-Kochba- Eyal | |
Adaptation of Crash Recording Technologies for High-Speed Ejection Applications | E-mail request | 2017 | Hall- Brandon | |
Contaminant Monitoring in Navy Aircraft | E-mail request | 2017 | Brown- Christine | |
Contaminant Desorption from Molecular Sieve Beds | E-mail request | 2017 | Gordge- Dennis | |
Elimination of Carbon Monoxide and Other Breathing Gas Contaminants in Navy Aircraft | E-mail request | 2017 | MacIntire- Ian | |
Active Noise Reduction for Pilot Helmets and Demanding Environments | E-mail request | 2017 | Lehtonen- Pekka | |
Noise Attenuation and Speech Intelligibility Performance of Hearing Protection Devices Worn in Combination with CBRN Equipment | E-mail request | 2017 | Gallagher- Hilary | |
Person-to-Person Communications in High-Noise Environments Using Non-Radio Frequency Modalities | E-mail request | 2017 | Sedillo- Michael | |
A Collaborative RDT&E Strategy to Address Physiological Episodes in USAF and USN Aviation | E-mail request | 2017 | Beer- Jeremy- Ph.D. | |
The Effect of an Off-Center Field of View User-Worn Display on Mitigating Motion Sickness while Accomplishing a Vigilance Task | E-mail request | 2017 | Evans- Richard | |
US Navy and Air Force Collaborative Research in Human Cognitive Impairment and Physiologic Response | E-mail request | 2017 | Shender- Barry | |
Flight Test Assessment of the Pilot Physiological Monitoring and Warning System | E-mail request | 2017 | Tripp- Lloyd | |
Quantifying Differences in Head Kinematic Response to +Z Acceleration with Subjects Seated Upright Versus Supine | E-mail request | 2017 | Paskoff- Glenn | |
The Evaluation and Characterization of ATD Configurations During Spinal Impacts | E-mail request | 2017 | Siders- Brett | |
Vertical Impact Accelerator (VIA) Characterization Study | E-mail request | 2017 | Steinhauer- Benjamin | |
Investigation of Hypoxia Training: Do Trainees Accurately Recognize Symptoms? | E-mail request | 2017 | Tindall- Mitchell | |
Live Flight and Training in ROBD Subjective Report Data: A Symptom Centric Comparison | E-mail request | 2017 | Cooper- Tashara | |
Engineering a Novel Technology to Increase Fidelity & Safety for Navy Aviation Hypoxia Training | E-mail request | 2017 | Atkinson- Beth | |
Digital Methods for Custom Hearing Protection | E-mail request | 2017 | Roy- Robert | |
Estimating Noise Exposures for Aircrew Wearing Active Noise Cancellation Headsets | E-mail request | 2017 | CAPT Murphy- William J- Ph.D. | |
When Minutes Matter: Tactical Chemical-Biological Protection and Decontamination | E-mail request | 2017 | Maj Schumacher- Benjamin | |
The Application of Automation Systems for Training - Implications of Trust | E-mail request | 2017 | Killilea- John | |
ATLS Performance Efficiency Measurement of Military Personnel in Preparation for Deployment | E-mail request | 2017 | Hall- Andrew- Ph.D. | |
Dynamic Testing of Rotorcraft Cabin Seats | E-mail request | 2017 | Wright- Nathan | |
Rotorcraft Seating Systems: Survivability and Occupant Endurance | E-mail request | 2017 | Hall- Brandon and Wright- Nathan | |
Modeling of Alveolar Oxygen Partial Pressure Following Rapid Decompression | E-mail request | 2017 | Morgan- Thomas- Ph.D. | |
HSI in Breathing System Design and Deployment | E-mail request | 2017 | Morgan- Thomas- Ph.D. | |
Evaluation of Helmet Vibro-Acoustic Response in a Propeller-Driven Aircraft Noise Field | E-mail request | 2017 | Rush- G. Alston | |
Determining Flight Helmet and Oxygen Mask Behavior in Dynamic Conditions | E-mail request | 2017 | Steinman- Yuval | |
The Evolution of Rotary Wing Helmets | E-mail request | 2017 | Levy- Dustin and Stump- Mike | |
USAF Integrated Aircrew Ensemble - Update 2017 | E-mail request | 2017 | Devine- Marlene and Bucher- Boyd | |
Strain Measurements on Anti-G Garments Using 3D Digital Image Correlation | E-mail request | 2017 | (Mr.) Shivprasad | |
The Research and Development of Personal Protection and Escape Technology for Female Pilots | E-mail request | 2017 | Ms. Liang- Lin | |
A Computational Pipeline and Method for Generating Population-Specific Cervical Spine Shape Atlases and Finite Element Models | E-mail request | 2017 | Drenkow- Nathan | |
Neck Injury Criteria Development for System Level Ejection Testing - Comparison of ATD and Human Response to Gy Accelerative Input | E-mail request | 2017 | Parr- Jeff | |
Biodynamic Injury Research: Comparison of Human/Manikin Lumbar and Seat Acceleration Toward Improved MDRC Models | E-mail request | 2017 | Pirnstill- Casey | |
Design Recommendations for Extraneous Oxygen Mask Valve to Reduce Pilot Respiratory Effort in High Performance Aircraft | E-mail request | 2017 | Golich- Frank- Ph.D. | |
Gas Based Sensors for Physiologic Event Detection in the Cockpit | E-mail request | 2017 | Rood- Aaron | |
Detecting Trace Contamination in Air Using the Gas Stream that the Impurities are to be Measured In | E-mail request | 2017 | Peter R. Bossard | |
Five Ways MEOSAR is Transforming Combat Search and Rescue | E-mail request | 2017 | Bajpai- Gaurav- Ph.D. | |
Innovations for a Safer World | E-mail request | 2017 | Duggal- Deepak | |
The State of the Art (SOA) Program | E-mail request | 2017 | Milburn- Sheila | |
Identifying Solutions Through Technology & Innovation | E-mail request | 2017 | McGovern- Janet | |
Ejection Seat Pitch and Yaw Stability | E-mail request | 2017 | Kassidy- Carson and Tulloch- Jim | |
Ejection Seat Restraint Harness Design: Dispelling the Myths | E-mail request | 2017 | Adams- Paul and Hughes- Kathryn | |
Identification of Scene Cues and Visual Control Methodologies Used by Helicopter Pilots During Day and Night Visual Flight | E-mail request | 2017 | Longman- Peter | |
BMAIS: Air Platform Upgrade Capability for 360 Digital Cockpit | E-mail request | 2017 | Straub- Joe | |
GORE PYRAD Flame Retardant Technology | E-mail request | 2017 | Nelson- Wally | |
The Evolution and Performance of Flame Resistant Fabrics and Garments: How Today's Lightweight Moisture-Wicking and Flame Resistant Performance Fabrics Contribute to Extending Mission Endurance | E-mail request | 2017 | Pena- Mike | |
Top |

SAFE Association 63rd Annual Symposium
Mobile, Alabama
November 4 - November 6, 2025
Symposium Overview