Moderator Volunteer Guidelines and Registration Form
SAFE is seeking moderators to serve for technical sessions during the forthcoming SAFE Symposium. Below are the guidelines for session moderators. Our moderators often tell us this is a very rewarding experience so we hope you consider serving!
Send an e-mail to if you are interested.
Include your area of expertise so we can match you to your interests.
Guidelines for Session Moderators
Prior to the meeting:
- The SAFE office will provide the Moderator with contact information of the session speakers, the text of their abstracts, and presentation technical requirements.
The Moderator will contact the speakers before the meeting to ensure that the speakers:
- Are attending the meeting and contact immediately if they cannot.
- Are aware of and comply with the required format for presentations, including videos.
- Will meet the moderator in the session room 20 minutes prior to the start time.
At the Meeting the Moderator will:
- Notify the Symposium staff if there are problems with the equipment in the session room (laptop, laser pointer, audio).
- Meet with the presenters 20 minutes before the session begins and load and test the
presentations. - At the beginning of the session, make the following announcements:
- Remind the audience to turn off their electronic devices.
- Explain how the session will be conducted (i.e., the amount of time per presentation and when the question/answer periods will be held).
- Before each presentation, provide a short introduction consisting of the title, the authors’ names and the presenter’s affiliation. Do not read the speaker’s biography.
- Keep speakers on time, typically 30 minute slots, including 5 to 10 minutes at the end reserved for questions.
- Prepare at least one question for each presentation to stimulate discussion from the audience as needed.
- Remind attendees with questions to rise and identify themselves.
- Fill out the Moderator’s Summary Form (to be provided prior to symposium and/or during the author’s morning briefing) and leave it on session table for the Symposium staff to collect.
Submit your Volunteer Moderator Registration Form Online Now

SAFE Association 63rd Annual Symposium
Mobile, Alabama
November 4 - November 6, 2025
Symposium Overview