SAFE Publications
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SAFE Journal Technical Article Listing 1997 to 2006
(No journal in 2004)
$10.00 US for each paper | Pay Online here or Click Email Request Below |
Title | E-mail request | Year | No. | Authors |
Impact Testing of the Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS)Manikins | E-mail request | 1997 | 1 | John R. Buhrman |
Impact Evaluation of a Proposed B-2 Seat Cushion | E-mail request | 1997 | 1 | Chris E. Perry |
Assuring the Safety of Female Aviators:Limitations of Current Spinal Injury Assessment Ref | E-mail request | 1997 | 1 | Phillip E. Whitley... Ph.D. |
Review of Factors Influencing Military Parachute Landing Injuries | E-mail request | 1997 | 1 | J. R. Hoffman... Ph.D. |
Flight Crew Procedures and Certification:the Integration Failure | E-mail request | 1997 | 1 | Richard L. Gross |
Female Physiological Tolerance in Aerospace Environments | E-mail request | 1997 | 1 | Jean Timbal |
Technology Watch on Women in Combat | E-mail request | 1997 | 1 | Russell R. Burton... Ph.D |
Editorial From Aviation Week & Space Technology "Training is No Band-Aid for Bad Design" | E-mail request | 1997 | 1 | |
Evaluation of Six G Protection Ensembles During 5 to 9 G Simulated Aerial Combat Maneuvers | E-mail request | 1997 | 2 | William B. Albery |
Pre-employment Screening for Back Problems in Pilot Candidates: The Necessity of Radiologi | E-mail request | 1997 | 2 | A.J. Van Leusden...M.D.... and A. Van Dalen... M.D. |
A Conformal Foam Insert to Improve Comfort and Function of the MBU-20/P Positive Pressure | E-mail request | 1997 | 2 | Donald A. Diesel... Major... USAF... BSC |
The Physiologic Effects of Various Oxygen Levels Following Rapid Decompression | E-mail request | 1997 | 2 | Xiao Huajun... He Dengyan... and Yuan XiouganLaser |
Light Show Measurement Techniques | E-mail request | 1997 | 2 | Robert J. Thomas... Dennis A. Maier... Norman Barsalou... Leon McL |
Technology Watch on Women in Combat | E-mail request | 1997 | 2 | Russell R. Burton... Ph.D |
SAFE Crashworthiness Focus Day Highlights (Overview) | E-mail request | 1997 | 2 | |
SAFE Missions | E-mail request | 1997 | 2 | Frank M. Dirren... Jr.... RADM |
Martin-Baker Developments in Helicopter Aircrew Safety | E-mail request | 1997 | 2 | Brian A. Miller |
FAA Crashworthy Initiatives | E-mail request | 1997 | 2 | Stephen Soltis |
U.S. Army Contributions in Crashworthiness | E-mail request | 1997 | 2 | Dan Good |
U.S.Navy Aircraft Crashworthiness | E-mail request | 1997 | 2 | Captain Steve Enewold |
USCG Aircraft Crashworthiness Efforts | E-mail request | 1997 | 2 | ASMCM Larry Farmer |
USAF Crashworthiness Efforts | E-mail request | 1997 | 2 | Robert Billings |
Full-Scale Crash Testing | E-mail request | 1997 | 2 | Ken F. Smith |
Biodynamic Modeling of Human Neck Response During Vertical Impact | E-mail request | 1997 | 3 | Chris E. Perry... Annette Rizer... Jeanne Smith & Beth Anderson |
Measuring Helmet and Helmet-Mounted Display Displacement Under Sustained Acceleration | E-mail request | 1997 | 3 | Robert L. Esken... Jr. |
The Effects of Various Anti-G Suit Pressures and Positive Pressure Breathing on Lung Volum | E-mail request | 1997 | 3 | Lloyd D. Tripp... Jr. |
The History of the Research and Development of G Protection in the USAF School of Aerospac | E-mail request | 1997 | 3 | Russell R. Burton... DVM... Ph.D |
Turning Night Into Day | E-mail request | 1997 | 3 | Bob Van Elsberg |
Technology Watch on Women in Combat | E-mail request | 1997 | 3 | Russell R. Burton, DVM, Ph.D |
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Oxygen Analyzer Test Set Development and Validation for the B-1B Aircraft | E-mail request | 1998 | 1 | Dennis W. Schroll |
A Comparison of Human and Ejection Seat Test Manikin Static Centers of Gravity and Moments | E-mail request | 1998 | 1 | Christopher B. Albery... Valerie S. Bjorn... and Captain Rebecca |
The Effect of Helmet Inertial Properties on Male and Female Head Response During +Gz Impac | E-mail request | 1998 | 1 | Chris E. Perry |
The DoD Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group and the SAFE Association | E-mail request | 1998 | 1 | Ronald C. Hill and Stephen C. Merriman |
Technology Watch on Women in Combat | E-mail request | 1998 | 1 | Russell R. Burton |
Measurement of Whole-Body Human Centers of Gravity and Moments of Inertia | E-mail request | 1998 | 2 | Christopher B. Albery... Captain Rebecca B. Schultz and Valeri |
The Effect of Multiple Simulated Air-to-Air Combat Sorties on Isometric Strength | E-mail request | 1998 | 2 | Lloyd D. Tripp... Tamara Chelette...Ph.D... & Steve Bolia |
Examination of a Method for Improving Night Vision Device Depth of Field | E-mail request | 1998 | 2 | Peter L. Marasco & H. Lee Task... Ph.D. |
Performance of the ITT Night Vision System Autorelease Mechanism During Sustained Accelera | E-mail request | 1998 | 2 | Brian P. Self... Ph.D & Wayne Isdahl... M.S. |
Repeatability and Reproducibility of NVG Gain Measurements Using the Hoffman ANV-126 Test | E-mail request | 1998 | 2 | Denise L. Aleva... H.Lee Task...Ph.D. & Chuch Goodyear |
Technology Watch on Women in Combat | E-mail request | 1998 | 2 | Denise Aleva |
I...We...and You: Revolutionizing the Style of Scientific Writing | E-mail request | 1998 | 2 | Pa |
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Outside-In vs. Inside-Out: Flight Problems Caused by Different Flight Altitude Indicators | E-mail request | 1999 | 1 | Hans Pongratz... Helmut Vaic... Michael Reinecke... William Ercoli |
Straining GOR Tolerance Determinations are a Measure of G-Duration Not G-Level Tolerance | E-mail request | 1999 | 1 | Russell R. Burton DVM... Ph.D. |
Assessment of Two Methods to Reduce Simulated +Gz-Induced Arm Pain Using a Non-Centrifuge | E-mail request | 1999 | 1 | U. I. Balldin...M.D.... and Larry P. Krock... Ph.D. |
Anthropometric Accommodation in the T-38 | E-mail request | 1999 | 1 | Gregory F. Zehner... Kenneth W. Kennedy...Ph.D. & Jeffrey A. Hud |
Risk Factors in Ejection Seat Design Associated with Upward Ejection for a Large Occupant | E-mail request | 1999 | 1 | John R. Buhrman... Martin J. Andries and Deren Ma |
Physiologic Evaluation of an Emergency Air Breathing Escape Device | E-mail request | 1999 | 1 | Loren G. Myhre...Ph.D. |
Technology Watch on Women in Combat | E-mail request | 1999 | 1 | Denise Aleva |
Acceleration Endurance in the Forward-Leaning Posture | E-mail request | 1999 | 2 | Conrad B. Monson...Ph.D.... John W. Frazier... William B. Albery...P |
Effect of Different Pressure Schedules on +Gz Protection Afforded by an Extended Coverage | E-mail request | 1999 | 2 | Xichen Geng...Ph.D.... Changlu Zhan... Guiding Yan... Xu Chu... Xia Lu |
The Effect of Foam Padding On Head Response During Impact with the ACES II Headrest | E-mail request | 1999 | 2 | Chris E. Perry |
Pre-Oxygenation Time Versus Decompression Sickness Incidence | E-mail request | 1999 | 2 | James T. Webb...Ph.D....Andrew A. Pilmanis...Ph.D. |
A Comparison of the Field of View of Three Chemical Defense Masks | E-mail request | 1999 | 2 | Brian P. Self |
Evaluation of the Effects of the Panoramic Night Vision Goggle on Dynamic Response During | E-mail request | 1999 | 2 | Chris E. Perry |
Infrared Blade Tip Light for Helicopter Formation Flight | E-mail request | 1999 | 2 | Moshe Schneider... Lior Parag |
Reducing the Risk of Aviator-Multifunction Display Interface Problems with Human Factor Mo | E-mail request | 1999 | 2 | Matthew J. Reardon... Gregory Francis |
Current and Future Trends in Human Centrifuge Development | E-mail request | 1999 | 2 | William B. Albery...Ph.D. |
Technology Watch on Women in Combat | E-mail request | 1999 | 2 | Denise Aleva |
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The Effects of Head Orientation on Head/Helmet Vibration Response | E-mail request | 2000 | 1 | Suzanne D. Smith |
Centrifuge Assessment of the +Gz Protection Afforded by Pressure Breathing for +Gz (PBG) w | E-mail request | 2000 | 1 | Xichen Geng...Ph.D.... Changlu Zhan... Guiding Yan... Xia Lu & Wuxin |
Reproducibility Limits of Night Vision Goggle Visual Acuity Measurements | E-mail request | 2000 | 1 | Alan Pinkus...Ph.D.... H.Lee Task...Ph.D....Sharon Dixon & Charles G |
Comparison of Optokinetic Scene Effects on the Somatogyral Illusion | E-mail request | 2000 | 1 | Charles S. Lessard... Kenneth Stevens... Sqn.Ldr. Graeme Maidmen |
Human Consequences of Supermaneuverable Flight | E-mail request | 2000 | 1 | William B. Albery...Ph.D. |
Technology Watch on Women in Combat | E-mail request | 2000 | 1 | Denise Aleva |
Biodynamic Modeling and Simulation of the Ejection Seat/Occupant System | E-mail request | 2000 | 2 | Deren Ma...Ph.D.... Louise A. Obergefell... Ph.D.... Annette L. Rise |
Assessment of Aerospace Visual Performance in Three Prototype Holographic Spectacles for L | E-mail request | 2000 | 2 | Robert N. Kang... Robert E. Miller...II... Nadeem Ghani... Paul V. G |
Technology Watch on Women in Combat | E-mail request | 2000 | 2 | Denise Aleva |
Testing the Structural Integrity of the Air Force's Emergency Passenger Oxygen System at A | E-mail request | 2000 | 2 | Robert P. Garner...Ph.D....Richard E. Murphy... Steve S. Donnelley |
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Evaluation of Proposed Seat Cushions to Vertical Impact | E-mail request | 2002 | 3 | Chris Perry...Thao Nguyen... and Steve Pint |
Collection and Characterization of Pilot and Cockpit Buffer Vibration in the F-15 Aircraft | E-mail request | 2002 | 3 | Suzanne D. Smith |
Identification of the Cognitive... Psychomotor and Psychosocial Skill Demands of Uninhabited | E-mail request | 2002 | 3 | D. Dolgin... G. Kay... B. Wasel... M. Langelier & C. Hoffman |
Effects of Headrest Position and Helmet Weight on Human Dynamic Response During +Gz Impact | E-mail request | 2003 | 1 | Chris E. Perry |
A Comparison of the Effect of Four Anti-G Suit Systems on G-Tolerance and Task Performance | E-mail request | 2003 | 1 | Ulf Balldin... M.D.... Ph.D.... Robert O'Conner... Major USAF... BSC... |
Night Vision Goggle Objective Lens Focusing at Different Distances Using Artificial Object | E-mail request | 2003 | 1 | H. Lee Task...Ph.D.... and Alan R. Pinkus... Ph.D. |
Pupil Accessibility Evaluation by FOVEA:Capabilities... Limitations and Implications | E-mail request | 2003 | 1 | Elmar Schmeisser...Ph.D.... Carita DeVilbiss...Ph.D....William Ercol |
Non Ozone Depleting Chemical (ODC) Aircraft Oxygen Line Cleaning System | E-mail request | 2003 | 1 | John Herrington... Terence A. Caldwell and Jerry L. Gore |
The Durachute Vacuum Sealed Rescue Parachute | E-mail request | 2003 | 1 | Dipl. Ing. Heiko Froehlich |
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The Effects of a Combination of Hypoxia and Positive Pressure Breathing on anIndicator of Aircrew Operational Effectiveness | E-mail request | 2005 | 1 | Alasdair J. Mort |
An Investigation of the Role of Helmet-Mounted Displays in AH-64 Apache Accidents | E-mail request | 2005 | 1 | Clarence E. Rash... Barbara S. Reynolds |
Modeling of Linear Shaped Charge Performance Using LS-Dyna | E-mail request | 2005 | 1 | Steven McDonald... Ph.D |
Propulsion's Contribution to the Success of Aircrew Emergency Escape Systems | E-mail request | 2005 | 1 | Robert Sadler |
The History of Hurricane Mesa Test Facility | E-mail request | 2005 | 1 | Hugh J. McSpadden and Richard R. Higgins |
Degradation of Pilot Reach Under G | E-mail request | 2006 | 1 | William B. Albery, Ph.D.; Gregory F. Zehner, Ph.D.;.Jejfrey A. Hudson, Ph.D.; and Steve Bolia |
Helicopter Ditching: Time of Crash and Survivability | E-mail request | 2006 | 1 | Michael Taber and John McCabe, Ed.D .J |
Evaluation of Acceleration Response during AFRL +Gz Vertical Deceleration Tower Tests | E-mail request | 2006 | 1 | David B. Hamlin and Randall D. Manteufel, PhD |
A Mathematical Simulation of the Human Ventilatory Response during an Altitude Chamber Physiological Training Profile | E-mail request | 2006 | 1 | Matthew B. Wolf, Ph.D. and Robert P. Garner, Ph.D |
First Hand Witnesses of Sled Testing Over the Past Forty Years | E-mail request | 2006 | 1 | Gordon Cress and Don McCauley |
Then and Now: Flight Research in the Second Half of the 20th Century | E-mail request | 2006 | 1 | Curtis Peebles |
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SAFE Association 63rd Annual Symposium
Mobile, Alabama
November 4 - November 6, 2025
Symposium Overview